Drunken Minds, Sober Truths

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Ah Si groaned blearily as his phone trilled to life, the shrill tone drilling mercilessly through his brain as he struggled to awaken. He hadn't been able to fall asleep for the longest time, and now his phone was ringing the second he finally dropped off? He had been eyeing his phone all day, willing it to ring, and the second he gave up, it decided to come to life? Why was he plagued by irony? Why was he having the worst luck today? He had been fretting all day, frantic with worry, ever since the moment he had sat down at the godforsaken impromptu 'meeting' his mother had scheduled. He hadn't realised it was a trap, but he really should have known his mother couldn't be trusted. Ah Si knew he was naive sometimes, but even he had never expected his mother to take such extreme measures! It was entirely ridiculous and it was causing more harm than good. His mother was ruining his chances with Shancai, and it was filling him with bitterness against her; he didn't want to feel this way, but she was forcing his hand!

He groaned as he realised it was already 3:21AM and his phone was still blaring. He flopped against the pillow angrily as he stoically ignored the incessant ringing. It was burrowing into his brain, drowning out all his other senses - he felt like he was going to go insane. Someone was clearly desperate to get in touch with him, but he only wanted to talk to one person. He swallowed painfully as he recalled Shancai's stricken face when his mother had dropped the bombshell on the pair of them. His heart felt like it was gripped with icy fingers; his girl had looked so crushed and he had been stunned when his mother tried to foist an unwanted fiancée on him. As if he would ever want any woman who wasn't his beloved Shancai? He wanted to kick himself for grabbing the wrong hand; in his haste to escape, he hadn't realised until it was too late that he had grabbed the Monkey's paw and not Shancai's delicate little fingers. What a fucking dreadful mistake that had been! Shancai had been giving him the silent treatment ever since, and it was cutting him to the quick. He had called the tiny girl none stop, left her countless voicemails and more than a handful of desperate text messages. But she hadn't responded. And it was killing him slowly inside.

His phone blazed to life again, and Ah Si scrubbed a hand over his tired eyes as he roughly seized the handset. Clearly whoever was trying to reach him wouldn't relent; if Xi Men or Meizuo were disturbing him with something frivolous, after the day he had had, he couldn't be held accountable for his actions. However, he was torn out his tired haze, suddenly wide awake when he realised who was calling him. It was Shancai! He almost dropped the phone in his haste to answer, his fingers suddenly numb and useless. His heart thudded as his cherished woman reached out to him for a change. Perhaps her phone had been dead, and she was why she was just now returning his call? Dare he even hope? "Shancai?" He exclaimed, his heart in his throat as he heard her soft breathing on the other end. Static. All he could hear was the wind rushing past the handset and muffled music in the background. Why on earth was Shancai outside at this time of night?! His senses were instantly on high alert, and his voice sharpened as he snapped "Shancai, why aren't you saying anything? Where are you?"

The Daoming heir was already stumbling out of bed, his skin prickling with trepidation as he started to struggle into some jeans, the phone sandwiched between his ear and shoulder as he urged her to speak. "Daoming Si?" She stuttered, her voice oddly thick as relief swamped him. He froze, his sweater halfway over his head as he breathed fervently, "Shancai, oh, I'm so glad you called! I've been trying to call you all day, where have you been? I've been so worried!" Silence greeted him on the other end of the line, and Ah Si glanced at his phone quizzically - the screen was still glowing and the timer was still running, so clearly she hadn't disconnected. She was acting out of sorts, and his wits were scattered; what was he supposed to say if she refused to speak to him? He massaged his temples as he groaned in frustration; heaven's knew he loved her, but she didn't do anything to help his blood pressure! He jolted when she suddenly sighed huffily, sniping pettily "I didn't mean to call you! I'm trying to find Li Zhen and Qinghe..... I've lost them, no idea where they went!" She giggled prettily, her words slurring, and Ah Si realised with a start that she was drunk. He was stung slightly at her words, but there was more pressing matters at hand; Shancai was drunk, outside in the cold and evidently alone. Where were her goddamn friends? Why had she been drinking? Was it possible she was attempting to drown her sorrows because of the debacle today? The thought didn't sit well with him, and he slipped his shoes on and seized his keys as he demanded "where are you? I'm coming to get you."

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