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She hadn't expected to feel like this, not for a single second.

If she had been asked a week ago how she would feel about Daoming Si fleeing the country, her reaction would have been one of overwhelming, resounding relief. Hell, she may actually have thrown a party, fireworks and all! Bring on the champagne, etcetera. Daoming Si positively exuded arrogance from every pore, he was pig headed, he was rude and she loathed him! Additionally, although she couldn't be certain, she was positive he also lived to annoy her - whenever she turned her head, there he was, his obnoxiously handsome face assaulting her senses and scattering her wits, much to her irritation. It really ground her gears that he had the face of an angel but the heart of a devil. It wasn't fair that a man so handsome could be so completely infuriating - if he was a monster inside, he should at least have the decency to look like one! Where did he get off, scattering her wits so much with his flirty eyes and his stinging words?! Shancai had never met anyone like him before, someone so utterly capable of burrowing under her skin, tattooing himself into her nerve endings and driving her to the brink of insanity. The worst part was, he did it all without even breaking a sweat, he was a goddamn criminal what with the way he had broken and entered into her mind, leaving her no room for rational thought. She hated him! It didn't matter that he was all she could think about - of course he was, he was her nemesis, it was only natural for her to dwell on all the methods she wanted to use to murder him - right?

Daoming Si's tongue was as pointed as his ridiculous pineapple hair, and for some reason, he seemed to bring out the very worst in her. Shancai had never before been unable to hold her tongue, to prevent herself from exploding like a geyser - there was something about him that just drove her beyond the limits of her sanity. He pushed her buttons and she had no filter around him - if she was ever to define a person as her weakness, it would be him in capital letters. Even the slightest glimpse of his face made her blood pressure skyrocket into the stratosphere, far beyond reasonable control. The Daoming heir made her temperature rise and her temper flare each and every time she had the misfortune of running into him. Something about the tall menace stripped her figuratively bare, leaving her raw and exposed like a live wire; the arrogant idiot was electric, he coursed inescapably through her veins, searing her to the bone and leaving her shocked and tingling no matter what he did. The feeling wasn't entirely unpleasant it was more.... unfamiliar? Uncomfortable? Were they the right words? Like it or not, the idiotic pineapple had shot into her sphere like a comet, colliding into her peaceful existence with the grace of an atom bomb. He had irreversibly altered the landscape of her life, shaking the world beneath her feet and she wasn't sure she would ever be able to escape from the aftershocks. How could she, when he had reshaped her once peaceful terrain?

Shancai detested that he was able to affect her so deeply, that his sharp wit was enough to leave her bruised and chafed in his wake, always on the back foot. He could cut her down to her core with his silver tongue and she quite often felt like he did it just to provoke a reaction - it was like he derived some perverse pleasure watching her combust. If she was completely honest, a tiny fraction of her subconsciousness also enjoyed these conflicts, felt flattered by the special attention he seemed to lavish her with. Hell, why did he have to up and leave like a child, he was doing this on purpose just to drive her to the brink! It didn't matter that she actively strove to ignore him; he was as beautiful and unpredictable as the storm, as dazzling as a lightening bolt and just as deadly. It was irksome, but she had to admit - she wouldn't have been able to ignore him in any lifetime, his presence was too overwhelming and demanding. Daoming Si was not a man to take lightly, not someone who was content to fade into the background. Why was he so annoying?! Shancai detested him with a passion! Daoming Si was undoubtedly the worst person she had ever met! So why was it his departure made her want to dissolve into a fit of desolate tears? Why did the thought of not seeing his face every day make her feel sick to her stomach?

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