Part 2

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Carter walked down the wooden stairs followed by blue wall paper like a tunnel down to the kitchen with the same blue wall paper and white tiled floors. Two heavy police men sat at the table. One had dark jet black hair with blue eyes and a yellow stain on his shirt and the other had sandy short blonde hair with brown roots and green eyes.
"Carter is it?" The one with jet black hair asked.
"Yeah that's me." Carter was not to thrilled to see them agin as he sat down.
"You understand we have some questions for you about the death of your ex girlfriend?" The blonde one leaned forwards as he spoke stating this is serious.
"You have nothing pointing towards me besides being an ex boyfriend." Carter sounds a little snarky.
"Boy we just want to ask some questions. Would u rather come to the station?" Now jet black sounded angry in the tone of voice he had used.
"No, sorry officers. Proceed with your questions. Please" Carter leaned back and crossed his arms.
"You two broke up two days before she went missing. Correct?"
"That's correct."
"Why did you two break up?"
"She slept with my best friend." Carter mumbled.
"And that made you angry. Correct?" The sandy haired cop leaned forwards even more.
"Well wouldn't that make you angry too? But I don't hold grudges."
"Sure you don't kid." Jet black almost was smirking like he just found out the killer.
"Look, maybe you should stop asking all her friends and ex's is they are the killers and maybe do a good job and look into the people who bullied and sent her death threats!" Carter stood up slamming his hands down.
"She was getting death threats?" The sandy blonde leaned back and ran his fingers threw his hair.
"They are all on her phone. Like I said when she went missing."
Both cops stood up. "We will come back when your more calm to talk. Thank you for your time today."
"Useless." Carter said under his breath.
Both cops left the kitchen and out of the house, Carter's mothers tried to talk to him. Tried to comfort him but Carter stormed off back to his room and locked the door.

A fatal promise. - short story Where stories live. Discover now