The Letter

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Harry, Ron, and I were sitting in the tent when the letter came. We had just left the Granger's earlier that day. Here is what it said:

Dear Lyra,

I have found out who your father is. Snapey gave me a potion. Anyways I tested it and I think that you might be surprised to find out that you are indeed the Dark Lord's child,

Love Bellatrix (mum).

At first, I laughed at Bellatrix calling Professor Snape Snapey, but then I cried and ran off after seeing who my father is. I idiotically left the letter there. "What's wrong with her mate?" Ron asked. Harry picked up the letter and a look of surprise crossed his face. Ron didn't notice. 

"Her dog died. I think I am going to go and comfort her," Harry responded.

"I'll stay here," Ron replied. Harry walked off with the Letter and found me crying behind a tree. 

"Is this true?" He asked me, "He and Bellatrix are your real parents?" I just nod and take off my glamour charm. "Whoa, you look different. That's why Bellatrix helped us. You're Lyra." I nod again. "Her- Lyra I don't think you heard what the prophecy said. It said that one of us will live and the other will die. Either I or your father dies. at the hand of the other."

"Harry, Why does it have to end this way? Why do I have to be the one stuck between two worlds? Even though my parents are evil I still love them. We can't tell Ron he would never talk to us again," I said really quickly.

"Everythings going to be okay. Everything will be alright. We don't have to tell anyone. Even if it does get out you are still the same person you have always been remember that." And we spent the rest of the night sitting under that tree in silence.

" And we spent the rest of the night sitting under that tree in silence

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