got a secret

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"Hey Silver, Amy!" Shadow called out to his friends. The school day had ended and the two were talking by their lockers, when they heard the noise of the edgy hedgie they turn to see a short blue hedgehog trotting behind him. His pink polo shirt standing out with the color of his fur. Amy gasped at the sight of him.

"Hey dude," Silver happily greets him once he arrives "Who's your friend?"

"Oh this is Sonic." Shadow says pointing at him. "Sonic these are my friends, Silver and Amy."

"I-it's n-nice t-to meet you S-silver." Sonic said. "H-hi Amy, It's been a while."

"Ah yeah... Sonic." Amy sighed.

"Oh you two already know eachother?" Shadow asked.

"U-uh yeah. W-we go awhile b-back." Sonic said leaning against the lockers.

"Well it's nice that you two are reunited!" Silver happily said before shifting conversations. Amy was not really engaged, she felt uncomfortable. Everytime she looked over at Sonic, he was glaring at her.


They were on the bus and after Shadow got off his stop Amy hopped off with him. "What are you doing Amy?" Shadow asked noticing her. "This isn't your stop."

"I have to tell you something." Amy said walking with him, a worried tone in her voice.

"Oh, is something wrong?"

"Yes, it's Sonic. He's not what you think." Amy whispered. She looked around to see if anyone was listening. Seeing no one was around a heavy weight was lifted off her shoulders.

"What makes you say that?" Shadow asked highly curious.

"He's um... How do i put this." She put a finger on her chin. "He's like, really weird."

Shadow furrowed his eye ridges and put a stop to his walking making Amy stop as well. "Oh i see. You're just like everyone else!" He exclaimed. "You think he's weird because he's different, huh Rose? You think his impediment makes him strange when really he's just like all of us!" By the time his ramble was over he was so close to Amy she could smell his breath, their noses were touching.

"No of course not Shadow!" She yelled back, backing away at an even distance. "He's deranged, he's fucked in the head and i just want you to be safe, stay away from him okay."

"No way Amy, what's so bad about him anyway?"

"He likes yo--"

"Is that seriously it?" Shadow yelled, cutting her off already knowing what would leave her lips. "Are you homophobic or something?"

"No, Shadow." Amy said inhaling through her nose to try and calm down. "You didn't let me finish. He's obsessed with you, he writes your name all over his papers, and he has several pictures of you stored on his phone."

"I doubt that, i bet you're lying" Shadow sneered "plus, you stopped talking with him after middle school so im sure he's changed if this was real."

"He hasn't." Amy said quietly staring at her shoes.

"I'm not gonna stop talking to him, he's in need of friends. I will however stop talking to you, you're just like everyone else." Shadow shook his head noticing a tear roll down her cheek. "Goodbye Amy, i thought i could trust you."

He walked away to his home. In the distance he heard Amy yell: "If he kidnaps you and locks you down in his basement, don't tell me i didn't warn you!"

Yeah right.

twisted obsession// shadonicWhere stories live. Discover now