cold and dead on the outside

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Silver the hedgehog died in the hands of someone he thought he could trust, sort of. Although Silver didn't know Sonic very well, he always believed they were in mutual terms and he always saw how happy he seemed to make Shadow. But he was oh so very wrong. Sonic the hedgehog was the cause of Shadow's despair. He was everyone's nightmare.

Silver led out a last ragid breath before he felt empty, dead, and cold. He saw a light, a light he wanted to despratly grab a hold of. Taking one last look at his killer, he used up the small energy he had left to say his final words. "F-fuck... Y-you." Was all he said before finally going into an eternal rest.

The knife was forced out of his chest, Sonic smiled and he examined the shiny kitchen utensil happy at the exesive amounts of blood it had. Small drops drippped onto the floor and on his leather pants.

Amy started with wide eyes, she just witnessed her old friend murder someone she held near and dear to her heart and she was so shocked she couldn't move. But she eventually did when Sonic got off Silver's corpse and walked over to Amy, the same smile never leaving his face.

"Silver was so fucking pathetic if you think about it." Sonic spat in a nasty tone, he stood in front of her, his insane look now being one of disappointment. "I expected him to fight back, i mean he's like a part of so many sports."

"You're sick Sonic!" Amy screamed, her eyes puffy from previous tears and her throat raspy from so much screaming. "You're a twisted freak! I can't believe you just did that! I hate you, i hate you!"

Sonic giggled and leaned down grabbing her face with one hand and trailing the knife on her cheek with the other. "Oh, is that really true? I thought we were best friends, i thought you liked me."

"I did, I really did like you I thought you were a good person!" Amy cried. Sonic used to be shy, apethetic and careful with everything he did. But something happened that turned him into a maniac, Amy asumed it was when he met Shadow but really it was the pleasurable feeling of having his family's blood on his hands that really got him. He got rid of them, it's what he wanted. Then he met Shadow, he really wanted him.

"Well. You were wrong." Sonic whispered. He then looked up to his housemate with a smile "Mephiles, cover her mouth."

Meph took instructions rightfully and wrapped a tendril around the girl's mouth. After doing that, Sonic took the blood filled knife and crouched down before stabbing Amy's right leg just below her theigh. The pink girl screamed, her leg feeling bot hot and cold from the feeling of a blade forced inside her. Blood oozed out of her leg when the azure killer took it out and did the same thing to her left leg, the same painful experience happening again.

"Mephy, let her go." Sonic instructed proud of his work.

"With pleasure." Mephiles said and did just that, when he let her go and retracted his tenticals Amy dropped to the ground on her back. Her legs couldn't respond anymore! She started to mentally panic but her inability to walk wouldn't matter anyway, poor Amy Rose was minutes away from meeting her demise.

Sonic sat her up against a tree and craned her head back by getting a hold of her back quills. "What are you doing?!" Amy screamed. "Let me go! You just made me lose the ability to walk isn't that enough!"

"Hey Amy, heres a fun fact i learned in human physiology, did you know that when people get decapitated they can still stay conscious for a couple seconds." Sonic said before lightly pressing the blade of his knife against Amy's neck. "Why don't we test that theory?"

"No, no!" Amy shrieked, she tried getting away from Sonic's grasp but couldn't. She was feeling lightheaded and weak from the blood loss in her legs.

"Let's do it anyway. Your head would make a great Christmas orniment."

"N-no!" Despite the young girl's struggles, Sonic then proceeded to drag the knife against her neck forcefully slitting it and making blood gush from the opening that was created. The adrenaline in Amy's system pumped fast in her head making her feel so much agonising pain rush in through her system. Her head hurt her legs were on fire and her throat was starting to clog up with blood limiting her breathing.

Sonic started to slice at her neck, cutting it like if it was an apple. There was so much pain, so much blood! Sonic was so amazed the human (or mobian) body could produce so much!

Meanwhile the hitman of the group Mephiles watched in solitary standing above them as Sonic happily cut away Amy's neck. This was nothing to the darker male, he was a professional after all. He's seen so much worse, done so much worse, this was merely entertainment.

The blade was already deep within Amy's neck and Sonic was astonished how Amy wasn't dead yet. She was letting out loud ragid breaths and she was coughing out blood, her drool was swirling in as it slid out from her mouth, dripped down to the neck Sonic was busy tearing away and went down staining her dress and the floor.

The pink girl knew her life was beginning to fade away, her legs fell asleep and she was disappointed she didn't die sooner. Everything was going to slow. She despratly clung onto life but she was giving up, her body couldn't take the damage she was receiving.

"Sonic... I-" Amy was finding it hard to speak when blood was dripping from her mouth as she coughed it up limiting her breathing. "I once... Loved you... You know that?... But then... Then you changed... I t-thought... You'd be better.."

Sonic looked at her with dead souless expressionless eyes, those words meant nothing. He never cared. "I was never better than this." Sonic said and tore Amy's head off.

Blood fell down spilling everywhere as Sonic held the decapitated head in his hands by her upper quills. Sonic yelled through his teeth and threw Amy's detached head on the ground before stomping on it like a bug. Tears formed in his eyes, there was no reason for that but the blue hedgehog started to silently cry.

"Hey hey calm down.." Mephiles said walking up to him and dragging him away from Amy's smushed up head, he wrapped his arms around the azure and hugged him listening to his sobs. "Sonic.. Hey, Why are you crying?" The dark hedgehog asked.

"I... I don't know.." Sonic cryed truthfully, it just happened.

Mephiles turned his friend around and looked into his tear filled eyes. If he had a mouth he'd surely be smiling. He was proud. "There there Sonic it's okay, let it all out. You accomplished something and I'm proud of you."

"Oh really?" Sonic sniffed. "What?"

"Well..." Then sirens were heard in the distance and Meph gasped bringing Sonic close. "Fuck, the cops! We gotta bail!" Then he sank into the ground bringing a broken hearted hedgehog with him.

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