Chapter 4: That Crazy Old Man

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The police were on the scene. They were investigating a live murder. The best detectives were on the scene. But, they could fine no evidence.

"Hmm. A lot of moss. No sign of struggle, no footprints, no evidence, no notes, no fucken

nothing," said Detective Black Skeleton, 31.


"Hmm. You're right about that Cagle. But why, in Hell, would a trusted cameraman, from a local magazine, the most mature one, all of a sudden, become immature, and make a prank phone call," said Detective Jkh980, 30.

"There no one that could have done this. No one, except for Matthew Ennis7, the camera man, and he didn't do it, and the crazy man, Potato John, was the only person here, and he's too old to commit a crime," said Inspector ItcantRainallTheTime, 45.

"You and you, Officer Love_Song 12, go get the old man..." said Jkh980.

Then they heard a bang.

There, a shot in the neck and gun in hand, stood Inspector ItcantRainallTheTime, now dead. As he dropped, there was a brief funeral, and the officers went back to the mystery. Later, Sergeant Draser and Officer Love_Song 12 came back with the old man.

"Where's ItcantRainallTheTime?"

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