Chapter 17. More Secure in Exile

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Chapter 17

In appearance, the Johnson Family ranch met Angelica's every expectation. Although the Johnsons looked, sounded, and acted very down-to-earth, it was obvious to Angelica from the understated elegance even of the front gate that her beau's clan was very well-monied and had been so for generations. The black Mercedes drove past the main house and stopped in front of a smaller one off to the side. A squad of attendants met the car and opened both rear doors. One attendant even offered his arm to Angelica to help her climb out. Angelica was shown into a guest room and was left alone for a few minutes to freshen up.

She had not forgotten her duty to continue blazing bogus trails for Brickelstein and Folkering to follow. After freshening up quickly, she locked the door, sat down on the ornate sofa, and switched on Regina's phone. In Regina's inbox was another email from Markus, this time containing a link to the Jyllands-Posten. Sure enough, Brickelstein had been in Copenhagen looking for Regina. Angelica smiled devilishly, then stopped when she realized that had picked up one of Regina's mannerisms. The thought of Regina running from so many people—and from some, for her very life—filled Angelica with dread. She still had nightmares about being kidnapped by Filiberto and his thugs.

Angelica went into Regina's contact list, found the number in Lyon that Regina had instructed her to call, and called it. The ringtone sounded four times, then stopped. Angelica heard a faint but regular clicking sound through the white noise. After about 30 seconds she was satisfied that Interpol had traced the phone and that within minutes Brickelstein would be airborne. By tomorrow, the town would be abuzz about hosting such a high-profile foreign visitor on the famous "Robber Princess" case.

A knock on the door jolted Angelica awake; she had not realized that she had dozed off. Jake's muffled voice emanated from behind the door. "Angel? Can ah come in?" She bolted up, unlocked and opened the door, and embraced Jake with a quick but passionate smooch. He looked different; he had shed his charcoal grey business suit and power tie in favor of blue jeans and leather boots. "We got lunch downstairs, and after that ah thought ah'd show yeh 'round the place. Yeh like horses?"

"Yes, I love 'orses!" One of Angelica's fondest childhood memories had been of her father setting her on a pony and guiding her around. She had ridden fairly regularly after that—partly in memorial of her father's untimely death in a horse-racing accident, and partly because she simply enjoyed it. It was one of her few skills in which she felt genuinely confident. "Oh, but I am not dressed for eet."

"Oh, don' worry, mah maid'll measure you up and gitcha some ridin' clothes. Janey Lou!" he called down the hallway. A plain, fortyish woman in a gray maid's outfit and apron appeared, took a few measurements and disappeared. "Janey Lou's the best," assured Jake. "She'll have your clothes in two shakes."

"Sorry, what eez ... 'tout cheikhs'?"

Jake chuckled. "It means 'soon.'"

Janey Lou was as reliable and efficient as Jake had said; by the time they had finished their burgers and fries, a set of riding clothes was laid out on Angelica's bed.

The afternoon of horseback riding agreed with her immensely. She enjoyed the stark, rugged terrain, and it seemed to be one of the few pasttimes that she and Jake had in common.

"Angel," began Jake as he sidled next to her, "you haven't met mah fam'ly yet, but since we all live on the ranch ah figger it's only a mattera time before yeh got to."

"You 'ave told your fameelee about me?"

"Well, yeah, ah kinna had to. Mah folks have invited us to the Big House for dinner tonight. You 'n me, together." Angelica tensed up as she realized that she might have to invent a much more elaborate cover. Jake noticed Angelica's tension. "It's awl right, yeh don't hafta go if yeh rilly, rilly don' want to. Butchyer a sweet girl 'n ah'd really like fer them to git teh know yeh. Will you do this fer me?"

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