Chapter 6. Wrath and Elation

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Chapter 6

The last person Rega wanted to see again that day was he whose harebrained scheme to restore diplomatic relations with Eidelmark had culminated in the upending of her family. However, she had no choice but to summon the Prime Minister back. Rega was still visibly shaken when Dutillieux returned to her side. She recounted the entire quarrel. She stopped several times, too distraught to speak, and had to recollect herself before continuing.

"All her life I've been preparing her to succeed me," she said, still half-numb from the surrealness of it all, "but this changes everything, doesn't it? The Crown Princess is a criminal. Line of succession or no, Regina must not inherit the crown."

"I wish it were so simple," replied the Prime Minster. "The Princess has already reached the age of succession. By law, she is next in line. She cannot be deposed, nor even disinherited. ..." He began thinking out loud. "But ... if she were incapacitated or missing, the Council could appoint the next in line as Regent in her place."

Rega did not like where this was going. "I'm not going to send some common thug to-"

"That's not what I meant, Your Majesty," interrupted the Prime Minister, unfazed. "In the Law of Succession, incarceration is equivalent to incapacitation. If Her Highness has stolen as much as you suggest, her sentence could approach life in prison. I think that would clear the way for Princess Angelica to succeed you as Regent. But for that to happen, Her Highness must actually be convicted in a court of law and have begun serving her sentence. This need not take place in Rochevaux; any country would suffice."

This was exactly what Rega needed. As much as she had resented Dutillieux for setting into motion the events leading to her humiliation in front of that Eidelmark hag, it was times like these that reminded Rega that Dutillieux was still the best person for the office of Prime Minister.

"Then we must see that Regina is arrested," she said.

Dutillieux nodded. "I will order an alert by the Ministry of Justice. Any highway or border patrol that sees her will take her into custody. But first, we must prepare a warrant for Your Majesty's signature."

A half-hour later, Dutillieux presented the document to Queen Rega, who took a long time reading it. This was the most painful moment of her life-more so even than her husband's untimely death. Rega wished the document had not taken so long to prepare, for every minute she had had to dwell on signing her own daughter's arrest warrant seemed to pass more slowly than the last. She finished reading the document and having no further excuse for delay, she took her pen and scribbled her name as quickly as she could to get it over with. She looked away and closed her eyes to fight off a tear. Dutillieux, ever sensitive to his sovereign's needs, gently took the warrant and withdrew.

But within the next half-hour Dutillieux was back, this time to deliver more dreadful news: "Your Majesty, the Palace Guard reports that Her Highness's car is still garaged, but Her Highness is nowhere to be found." Rega, who had not even shifted in her chair since signing the warrant, looked up, bewildered. "I have worse news still," continued Dutillieux. "The Palace Guard also reports that Princess Angelica's car is missing, and the Princess herself also has disappeared."

Rega's limbs quivered as she stared into space. Dutillieux was right; this was much worse. Rega had lost not just her oldest child but both of them. She started to wheeze, alarming Dutillieux. "Your Majesty?" But the Queen said nothing and shook even more violently. Dutillieux poked his head out the door, summoned a footman, and shouted "Get the doctor in here, code blue. Tout de suite!" The Queen was trying to stand but could not, so Dutillieux helped her up. She drooled slightly, then her voice returned. "I never thought her capable of this," she moaned.

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