5: "I'm not going to stop poking you..." // Zucknut

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I can't put the full title in the actual title so here it is:

"I'm not going to stop poking you until you give me some attention." // Zucknut

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"But Cammmmm..." The Aussie whined as he turned over in the taller boy's bed.

It was a normal Sunday afternoon when Mason decided he was bored out of his mind. He tried watching something on Netflix, but he had already seen 95% of the shows that were on there (even the shitty ones). He tried to keep himself company by building his Taj Mahal Legos set he bought MONTHS ago, but he became fustrated and gave up after 10 minutes of that. Hell, he even tried to record another video, but the Rust servers we're dull that day.

So here he was now, laying on Fitz bed, asking the taller boy to do something with him so he wouldn't be bored. "Go see what the others are doing. Please Mace, I need to start editing this video." The blonde said before turning back to his computer.

With a pout, Mason headed out of the room and out of the Kiwi's apartment. He drove back to the house, wondering what the others were doing. He hoped none of them were too busy, since he needed someone to help him out of his constant boredom. When he walked in, the whole living room/down stairs area was completely silent; the only thing that could be heard was the soft sound of the breeze through the trees outside.

Durning the weekends, the house was usually active and full of life, but since the boys got back from the Fiji trip, everyone was either trying to catch up on their sleep or catch up on their work. Both tasks were something Mason needed to do as well, but come on, it's Mason we're talking about. Was he really going to do that?


'Hm... Who first?' The boy thought to himself as he headed upstairs.

The first room he stood in front of was Toby's, whos door was shut. He would usually be streaming during this time, but Mason was hoping that the kiwi wasn't. Stepping up to the door, he raised his hand in a fist to knock on it before he heard Toby yelling from inside his room, more than likely due to streaming. Deciding to not disturb him, Mason stepped away from the door and headed to the next one.

Mason walked in to the room to see that no one was in it. "Swags...?" The boy called out to get no answer in return. Sighing, he plopped himself onto the American's bed, only to land on something somewhat hard.

"Hey --- What the fuck?!"

The sudden noise scared the Australian and he quickly jumped off the bed to see what had happened. A big ball of fluff popped out from underneath the covers to show that it was Swagger's head.

"Oh shit I'm sorry dude I didn't know you were under there." Mason stuttered, taking a few steps back.

"Yeah, I was sleeping!" The American exclaimed before pulling the covers over his head once again.

"At 13:00???"

"Don't judge me." He mumbled before falling back to sleep.

Shrugging his shoulders, Mason headed out of the room, closing the door behind him so the other wouldn't be bothered anymore.

He went to the next room, only to find this one empty as well.

'Damn, Jay is on holiday...' He thought to himself.

"Is there ANYONE who isn't busy sleeping or doing work?!" He mumbled to himself before he realized that there was one more person he could try: Matt.

A sudden feeling of nervousness overcame him as he began to walk to the last room at the end of the hallway. The door was cracked open, showing an empty bed in sight. The Australian slightly opened it a bit more to peek inside. The older boy was sitting at his desk with his headphones on, probably working on something as well.

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