10: "I think I'm in love with you and I'm terrified." // Fitzeggs

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Each person is born with a small light glowing on their wrist. The color of these lights determine the path of one's life in the largest of ways: who you're allowed to fall in love with. No one knows exactly what each color of these lights mean, but all they knew was if you fell in love with someone of another light color, you'd be shunned and opressed by your peers for not obliging to the rules of society that strictly state you can't be with the person of your choosing. But in a world where love can be so strict, there's always going to be that one pair who go against those rules.

Ezra stared down at the red light that dimly shined through his pale skin. He'd been thinking about the fact that he has yet to find someone of the same light color in which he could be with. He knew quite a few people with that color, but each one didn't seem to perfectly connect with the boy on a wave level that he was looking for. They were either not his type, didn't seem interesting enough, or he simply didn't like that person in that way. All of his friends had found partners within the past few months and he was dwelling on the fact that he was the last of them to have one.

Well, him and another person.

"You good, Racc?" He heard a concerned Fitz ask on the other side of the current Discord call he was in.

"Wha- yeah... I'm good." The American grunted, getting out of his train of thought.

"You were silent for a good minute, you sure?" The kiwi asked once again.

"Mmhmmm..." The boy hummed, thinking about his friend since forever always checking up on him.

"Okay well, in that case--- Jesus, my light is shining hella bright right now and it's so fucking annoying!!!" Cameron complained. "Let me go get some tape to cover it up." The sound of the kiwi leaving his computer could be heard, leaving the American by himself in the call.

Ezra thought about the royal blue light he had seen the first time the two boys met when they were younger. At the time they weren't even aware of the significance of their lights, in which the American counted as 'good times'. Every one they knew could see that the two would become the best of friends throughout their lifetimes, but it was also shown that they could never be together. At least, that's what society concluded. Ezra on the other hand, thought of something different.

The day he realized he had some type of feelings for the tall, blue-light kiwi, he locked himself in his room for days, trying to stop his brain from liking the other boy in that type of way. But of course, isolating himself for days on end wasn't going to stop the feelings that had already taken over his head. The tight feeling he got in his chest, along with the feeling of butterflies in his stomach he'd get everytime he hung out or played video games with Cameron never went away, and it concerned the boy. It had been drilled into his brain before he could even talk that he'd face consequences for having these feeling, but they simply wouldn't go away. They were never going to go away, and Ezra has to live with that.

Now here he was, once again getting that cloud nine feeling he always got when he heard his best friend's voice. It was beginning to get harder and harder for the boy to keep these feelings locked up inside, but every day he somehow managed to keep them there. "Why...? Why can't I just feel this way...?" He whispered into his mic.

"What?" He heard the boy on the other line ask. "I just got back."

"Oh! Uh... Nothing! Let's just play, yeah?" Ezra stuttered, trying to change the subject. Without thinking about it, the boys finally entered a game of CS:GO to which Ezra was doing horribly in. He couldn't conentrate on the gameplay that was happening due to everything swarming in his mind. It was like a thunderstorm had clouded his brain with emotions to the point where he couldn't function properly. He didn't want Cameron to conclude something was wrong due to his gameplay as well, but the kiwi had caught on quickly. They've been friends for years, so of course he was going to catch on, which is why Ezra decided to finally let those emotions explode.

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