Chapter 7

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It was around 6:30. The athlete's usually busy neighborhood was now eerily quite, word about a mysterious and dangerous creature must have spread around quickly. All of Rainbow's neighbors had locked their doors, windows, anything that screamed "a potentially dangerous creature could get in here", was boarded and locked up. 

Dash was currently hunched over, both her arms tightly wrapped around her stomach. A thick layer of sweat coated her entire body, and she was groaning in pain. The girls had called an hour ago (after teasing Applejack) and said that they would come over to watch Rainbow, of course Dash protested and claimed that she was fine. But no matter how hard she tried to tell the girls,  each said that they would come over either way. 


It was now 7:10, the girls had called Dash again and said they would be over in soon, and in that time, Rainbow had freshened herself up and was now dressed in an all white hoodie, and a pair of boxers. But in order to get any of that done, she had to force herself to move through the unbearable and unexplainable pain that she had soon felt throughout her entire body.

As she was coming down the stairs, she heard a few short, but loud knocks on her front door. She did her best to straighten her posture, and stifled her groans of pain as much as she could.  Now making her way to her front door, she opened it up and was greeted by all five of her friends. 

Each of them carrying their bookbags for school, and each of them were dressed in some comfortable clothes. 

Pinkie, being overly excited to see Rainbow Dash, bounded over to her friend and trapped her tight bear hug. "Hi Dashie! How are you feeling?!" The bubbly girl practically yelled in Rainbow's ear. 

"Just fine Pinks, now would you get off of me?" Dash said in irritation, trying to pry her curly haired friend off of her and doing her damn hardest to keep the pained grunts to a bare minimum. And she would have been successful if it wasn't for the pain that was slowly draining away her physical strength as the night went by. 

Fortunately, Applejack was able to pry her off the athlete. "Come on Dash, it's late and we have school tomorrow." The farmer said with her usual bright smile that Dash knew and loved. 

"S-sure, I'm beat anyways." Dash said, stuttering just a bit from the pain she was still feeling in her body. 

Each of the girls followed Dash upstairs, the athlete's home was a literal mansion in the girls perspective. It had a lot of rooms, expensive furniture, and so much more stuff that she could be mistaken for a millionaire. Her parents basically were though, her father owned a large business and her mother was a famous sports star, which is where she got her serious love and passion for sports from. 

But that was a long time ago, things were different now. 

Dash abruptly stopped when they reached the top of the long staircase when a sudden thought occurred to her, "You guys aren't going to be watching me sleep or some dumb shit like that.. right?" 

"Rainbow Dash, language darling! That is no language for a young lady to even remotely be saying!" Rarity exclaimed. 

"Whoops." Dash said, giving off a toothy smirk at her elegant friend. 

"Anyways," Twilight said, clearing her throat to stop whatever argument that was about to occur, "no Dash, we won't be watching as you sleep, Applejack will." The bookworm finished with a smirk of her own as she glanced at the athlete and farmer, which both were blushing rather heavily. 

 "W-whatever." Applejack stuttered grabbing Rainbow's hand and dragging her to her room. The girls would either be roaming around the house, or would be in the guest room; either way, they weren't going to bother the two teens for tonight.

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