I'm In Need of Love

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Paul had noticed Ace withdrawing from him more and more. Frankly, It was starting to bother him. Whenever he asked his boyfriend what was wrong he was met with a joke.

Paul didn't know what to make of it exactly.

He was used to the situation being flipped. Usually, it was Paul throwing a tantrum and Ace would break his neck to comfort and cheer him up.

To Paul's annoyance, Ace was inconsolable. He would just sit with his arms crossed staring into space for long periods of time after shows. As far as Paul could tell he was pretty much sober. He'd sip on three beers before curling in on himself and staring off into space.

The other day Paul sat in his lap but was rejected in a subtle way. Even though it was subtle it made Paul feel lower than dirt. Ace complained about his legs being sore and slowly slid the rhythm guitarist off of his lap. Paul tried to kiss him but Ace moved his head away and complained about a headache.

It stung.

Ace never rejected him for kisses or affection of any kind. The rejection caused Paul to worry if Ace had found someone else and didn't know how to tell Paul without causing him to have a conniption fit. Ace knew Paul well but some days Paul felt as though he hardly knew Ace at all.

Paul was slowly starting to lose it. The lack of attention from his love was slowly making him wither away.

The Starchild had a plan to get his Space Ace to open up to him once more. He didn't know if it would work or not but it was worth a shot.

The band was in their dressing room taking off their make up. Peter sat next to Ace yammering on about some new gangster movie that they should go see on a day off. Ace nodded in agreement and smiled softly. His eyes catching Paul's.

Paul stifles a gasp at being caught staring. He wanted to be subtle in his plan but with Peter's constant yapping he hadn't been able to get a word in edgewise and now he felt as though he had been caught scheming. Ace didn't look accusing, he looked calm and collected as always. That didn't stop Paul from feeling embarrassed about being caught.

Paul hurriedly rubbed at the greasepaint on his face, making a mess as his anxious hands trembled.

He heard Gene snicker beside him and tsk,''Relax...''

Paul nearly jumps when Gene takes the towel from his hands and wets it a little before leaning in and wiping off his make up in gentle circles,''Slow and steady wins the race...'' He hums reminding Paul of a grandmother.

''I-I can do it myself!'' Paul stutters indignantly.

''Have you been getting enough sleep?'' Gene coos gently ignoring his protest.

''Not really...'' Paul mumbles feeling even more embarrassed.

''Well you can't expect your body to keep pushing forward if you do not replenish it. You must eat right and sleep to keep your energy up. Can't drive on an empty tank...''

''I have been eating...'' Paul argues under his breath.

''Burgers and fries do not count Stanley...'' Gene chides wetting the towel a little more.

''I'll be fine mom.'' Paul grunts feeling his cheeks grow hot. The other two men were quiet. Too quiet. Paul looks over to see both of them staring in amusement. Ace cackles,''It's a sad day when ya can't even clean your own face, Paulie...''

Paul knew that Ace was just poking fun at him but it hurt his feelings none the less. He snatches the towel from Gene and tries to clean his face himself.

Ace cackles once more and whispers something to Peter that causes him to join in on the laughter.

Gene huffs and yells at them,''So what if I'm a mother hen!? If it wasn't for my meticulous nature Kiss would have fallen apart by now!''

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