Chapter 2

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The band meeting was peaceful at first but soon turned into a bit of a disaster when Paul, Peter, and Ace started siding against Gene on everything.

Gene blinks a few times,'''m getting out voted on nearly everything I say...Is there a reason for that?''

'' and Ace have been talking about doing things a little differently...'' Paul mumbles.

''Oh so KISS only makes up you and Frehley now?'' Gene asks with a sneer,''Ya know...I wanted to stay quiet and not start shit but... I don't like how co-dependent you two are. I think you two need to spend time apart to think for yourselves...''

Ace snorts,''Okay...and where the hell did this come from?''

''Everyday Paul has a new excuse to skip working and laze around doing nothing with you. You do nothing to promote this band and push it forward. Hell, you won't even move your own equipment. And now you've somehow convinced Paul to let you sit on your lazy drunk ass with no repercussions!-''

''Oh! OoOoOoOoOOoOKaaaaaaaaaaay!'' Ace all but sang looking amused laughing as though his laughter was a bit of a nervous tick instead of his usual jovial giggles,''So I see you've started in on me early tonight! Oh and congratulations for doing it in front of Paul for once haha!''

Paul blinks confused,''What?''

This happens often?

Behind his back?

Gene growls low in his throat,''Ace. You need to stand on your own two feet. You are a co-dependent drunk junkie that attaches himself to the first person that will coddle you and deny how damaged you are.''

''OoOoOoOooOooOoOOoOOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOkaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!'' Ace sings louder over Gene's bickering.

Paul hides his face in embarrassment hoping that they don't get kicked out of the place. Peter pipes up,''C'mon guys! We're in public! Why did you wait till we got out here to start shit with each other! If you want to duke it out go back to the hotel.''

''Hey that sounds like a good plan!'' Ace pipes up grinning,''How about we go somewhere private and fight. That's what you want anyway.''

''I'm not going to fight you! I do not fight.'' Gene says sneering.

''Oh because you're just so above things like that!'' Ace said mocking his voice,''You think you're better than me cause you don't drink and ya don't do drugs and all that shit! You think you're the pinnacle of fucking perfection and I'm just shit beneath your shoe! You are the one with the problems Gene! Not me! You've got a real jealousy problem you know that?''

Paul massages his temples,''Guys we're still in public. Just let this go.''

''No I can't let it go because Gene never lets it go!'' Ace argues.

''Why would I be jealous of a clown like you? You must be high right now...'' Gene says condescendingly.

''I tHoUgHt THiS wAs A bAnD mEeTiNg!'' Ace squawks out in a weird distorted voice throwing his head back.

''Shut up Ace you're too loud!'' Paul hisses hiding his face in embarrassment.

''I honestly think this was a ''bash the fuck out of Ace'' meeting but Gene's mad because it didn't go his way!''

''Guys how did we get so far off topic?'' Paul sighs through his hands.

''Paul I can't get a word in edgewise with you because Ace is always there. I need to talk to you. I need your help! We need to stick together!''

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