Chapter 3

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Later that week they were released from the hospital. They resumed the tour like normal, Paul pushed through the best he could even though Ace's drug abuse was driving him crazy.

Paul sighs and plops down in the dressing room they all shared. Paul felt relieved to be in his everyday clothes, his face being free of paint makes him feel relaxed. He didn't bother looking up when Gene sits down next to him. Gene had just gotten changed and washed his face of the paint and was back his ''businessman'' mode.

Gene sighs before asking,''So when's the wedding?''

''Can it Gene.'' Paul sighs holding the side of his head. He was definitely not in the mood for Gene's passive aggressive bullshit.

''No. Seriously. Will it be private or will you have a few witnesses?'' Gene asks gently.

''Private. We technically already had the wedding, The wedding was me screaming like a buffoon and falling off the bed...'' Paul mumbles not looking up at Gene.

''Oh okay...'' Gene says awkwardly.

The silence between them was tense.

Gene took a deep breath before saying,''He's in the restroom doing a line with some sketchy guys Paul...''

Paul let's out a heavy laden sigh and shakes his head.

''Paul...can you just admit that you have a nasty habit of wanting to fix people? Can you please just admit that even though you love him, he may not be the right match for you? Can you truly see yourself with Ace for the rest of your life? Seriously? Can you go through fainting after every overdose he has?''

''I-It won't happen again...'' Paul argues weakly not looking up.

Gene shakes his head his eyes heavy and tired. He wrings his hand in his lap and says,''If this is what you want to go through for the rest of your life...who am I to stop you? You love who you love...but I'm telling you...he's horrible for you...''

''What do you know!? You fuck anything that moves at all times! You have hardly any standards!''

Gene holds up a finger,''See, that's where you're wrong...I do have standards. I may have many playmates but I am not quick to commit...commitment, especially marriage, whether it's traditional or illegal is a serious thing and it should be taken seriously by both parties. When you vow to be married to someone you vow to be by their side forever Paul...and I...I think you deserve a better life partner...Someone who is mature enough to handle every aspect of you with the ultimate attention to detail. You deserve a man or woman that loves you for you. Someone who loves you in all of your splendor. Someone that is attentive to your every need, someone that can sit with you and speak with you about emotional matters. Not a man child that drives every emotional impulse he has away with mind-altering substances. You need a man. Not a boy that lives on the edge every day. Someone that knows how to take care of you and honor you as a husband should.''

Paul was nibbling at his bottom lip. One side of him agreed with Gene but the other half of him disagreed and was offended at Gene calling his husband a man child.

Paul sighs and runs a hand through his hair,''And where would I find a real man huh? Are you implying that you are a real man? You are nothing but a horny petulant boy to me. You want me as another notch on your bedpost but guess what?...'' Paul leans in closer to him,''You're not my type Genie so keep dreamin' baby...''

Gene blinks incredulously his eyebrows shooting up comically. Paul laughs as he leans back to his side of the couch.

The door flies open and in walks a grinning Ace,''Goodmorning Starshine the earth says hello~'' he cups Paul's face as he sings.

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