chapter 9

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She started to scream when I pulled out the knife. I covered her mouth with my hand and stabbed her in the stomach.

I suddenly pulled the knife out and I started to hyperventilate. Did I really just do that? Trembling, I backed up from her and ran off back to my car, dropping the knife on the way back. I turned back and watched the blood smear all over the ground from where I dropped it. I couldn't pick it up now, it was way too late, I needed to get out of here.

I woke up to the sound of my phone vibrating, I quickly turned off the alarm and grabbed my bag. I tried to get myself together, I was still startled from the dream that I had just had. I grabbed the black bag that my stuff was in and searched it, making sure everything was still in there. I put my shoes on and put a random jacket on, then I grabbed my wallet and threw it into the bag.

I was going to find Ryan, but I didn't have anything to lead me to him yet. But, Alex's car might have something in it. I moved towards the front door of the apartment, careful to not make any noise and then I opened the door. I slipped out of the apartment and out into the cold, dark, early morning. I opened the bag and got Alex's keys out of it. I pressed the unlock button and heard the car across the street. I quickly ran across the street and opened the door to the black SUV. The car was way bigger than any other car I had driven before, but I would learn while I drove.

I slipped the keys into the ignition and turned it. The car burst to life, the engine humming was the only noise in the night. I quickly pushed on the pedal and the car moved forward. I kept on going until I made it to an empty grocery store parking lot and I pulled the car in. I stopped the car and started to search the inside of the car. I found a bunch of trash and a lot of change. I got into the back seat and started to look there too. I groaned when I couldn't find anything. I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket and used it as a light, I pointed it everywhere and then I finally saw something shine. I saw the metal handle of a briefcase and smiled in success. I picked it up and started to open it when I was suddenly startled by the sound of another car park into the parking lot.

"You have got to be kidding me," I muttered under my breath, my heart starting to pound against my chest.

I picked up the briefcase and crawled back into the front seat, trying not to make as much movement. I sat up in the chair and noticed the other car, I gasped when I saw it was a red and white convertible. It couldn't be, could it? I couldn't take any chances, it could be Alex for all I know. The lights on the convertible were still shining in the dark light and they were illuminating the interior of the SUV.

I quickly slid the keys into the ignition as I heard the roar of the convertible's engine. I turned the keys and heard the hum of my own engine. I pulled out of the parking lot and then started to drive.

I turned a corner and then started down an empty road. My hands were shaking and I almost swerved the car into the sidewalk. The empty road was silent all except for the hum of Alex's engine and it was dark except for my bright car lights. The street suddenly lit up more when I saw another car turn down the road; the convertible. I quickly sped up and tried to lose the car, but it just kept on following me.

I had to lose this car, I thought to myself. I turned my head around and the person in the car looked vaguely familiar. But I kept going, I couldn't take any chances, Alex could have taken Ryan's car. The car behind me started to honk at me, he was trying to make a scene. I quickly went through my options, I could stop and meet the guy or I could keep going.

I groaned as I picked the first option. I slowed the car down and parked right next to a light post. I kept the keys in the engine, just in case he decided to try and take me. I rolled the window down and heard the loud engine stop, I saw a hooded figure get out of the car and walk over towards me. My heart started beating faster and faster until it completely stopped when he finally approached me.

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