chapter 2

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I started to jump but stopped as I saw a elfish woman shooting......arrows???
I was wandering a thought that hasn't crossed my mind in 17 millennia I thought about saving her the dragon was about to kill her I wander if I was having some.....thoughts about her and so I jumped off the tree and tested my jet black 7 feet long and 1 foot in width wings they worked so i flew at maximum speed (which is 2x faster than light) and punched the dragon, I saw the dragons head explode i instinctively put the corpse in my spaitial storage and made a necklace with one of its teeth after I folded my wings I went toward the woman she looked scared shitless as I walked toward her let me tell ya I liked people fearing me, I reached her and said "hey" and she stuttered "hu-hi" I said "stand up" she did after a few minutes I said "your welcome" and was about to fly off when she yelled "WAIT" I turned my head slowly in a normal demonic voice which is scary AF "What" then she said "can you stay here?" I wasnt tempted but out of pure curiosity said "sure" she looked happy and said " thank you......" there was a awkward silence then I said "it's getting dark I'll make a camp" she suddenly jumped up from where she was and hugged me and I was so startled I fell on my back and her breasts were in my face I wasnt embarrassed and said in a muffled voice "could you please move?" she quickly jumped off me and said "I'm sorry" I said "what's your name" she looked at me and said "faylyn" I said "Diablo, I'm going too go kill some animals so wait here" I said that as I flew off I found a bunch of boars with strange markings on them and a horn in their forehead 'hmmm interesting I think I'll bring back five' I thought and used "shadow scythe" and chopped off four of the 8's head in total and then stabbed one I put them in my spaitial storage and flew off and found a river I created a big metal jug with "creation (master)" and filled it with water I created a jet-black sword that was made with a scale of the black dragon goddess and chopped some wood and put all that in my spaitial storage and flew back and faylyn was still there when she saw me she got up and said "HEY LAND OVER HERE" and I did, i got every thing out of my spaitial storage and built a fire after lighting it with fire magic and I created a few tents and blankets and pillows with my creation skill then I put them up and started to cook one of the weird looking boars after i skinned it and faylyn yelled "ARE THOSE THE A-RANKED HORNED BOARS?!?!?!!?" I said " I dont know" faylyn was thinking 'his horns are cool, his wings are too and look at that face LOOK at them teeth they're so sharp' she was set back to reality when i said "hey wake up" she said "I'm sorry what did you say" I was like 'this girl....' "I said idk" she said "those are so rare and so hard to kill!!" I said "hmm I killed them with one hit" she looked at me with a dumbfounded look and stared open mouth for a few seconds I just look away and finished cooking and set it on her lap she yelling "OWOWOWOWOWOWO" and held the skillet it was on and decided to eat I put the jug of water in front of her and in went over to the other boars and ate all four raw OMG it was delish faylyn said "ewww why are you eating them raw?" I turned around and she looked at my bloody shirt and face and I went into one if the tents and as I was about to fall asleep I heard her say softly "can I sleep next to you?" I was half asleep and said "sure go ahead" I felt the blankets move and then there was something warm next to me I sensed it and i opened my eyes and saw faylyn with a red face looking at me and i said "is something wrong?" She quickly said " n-no" I fell asleep a few minutes after I had a good dream were i killed a bunch of humans and then I woke up at dawn and I slowly got up and stretched my body and my wings and I went back into the tent and woke up faylyn she groggily said "5 more minutes" I picked her up by her feet she felt like carrying a feather and said "nah you getting up I gotta tell you something" she got up and said "can you look the other way?" I did and I heard rustling and then she went behind me and said "done" I said "we are going to the human city natch" she was excited and said "let's go!" I said "get on my back" she hesitated but slowly did I unfolded my wings and we flew after I created a map

I'm sorry for any inconveniences and typos please put your feelings in the comments-Author

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