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Bills POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I was sitting at my desk working on some files when someone knocked on my door.
" Come in" I said. The door opened and I saw Pyronica
" Hey Bill I got a new person for you. Except" She said before stopping herself
" Except what" I said confused
" I'll be honest with you Bill this is a tough person to break. I mean the kids had at least 20 psychiatrist before you and none of them worked" She said as she gave me his file.
His picture was him smiling big he looked like he hasn't slept in a few days. I read his info as I listened to pyronica
" He's had about 5 of them turn insane. I know you're good at this kind of job and all but I think you should decline for your safety" she said
" Calm down pyronica I think I can handle this. Besides I've had a few other patients similar or even worse than him" I said with a smile. She rolled her eyes at me
" Fine smarty pants if you're so sure than take the offer but im warning you it's a bad idea" she said. She left my office and I continued to read.
He's a year younger than me. 18.
He's been known as insane since he was 14.
He's been place in one of the most best secured facility in Gravity Falls.
                           The Pines Asylum
Great now I get to see Sixer once again
Wait a minute
" hahahaha" I started laughing
Even Sixer can't help him oh wow
Well I better send him an email about me agreeing to this.

Dippers POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I stayed in my favorite corner of my room. More like cell.
Being in this place sucks. But I was able to earn a room with a forest decoration i have pine trees that cover one corner. I have a hammock in the corner of the tree corner. I have a bed that I never use. My walls are painted white. I'm not allowed to have painted walls. I have a few other plants in my room. Mostly flowers.
I heard my door slide open. I looked over and saw Ford.

" Dipper I have some news for you. Can you please come out of the trees" he said
I got down but hide behind a tree
" sigh I guess that will do. I got some news that someone is willing to come see you everyday and help you feel better" He said calmly.
Oh did I forget to mention. I'm known as insane. I've been diagnosed with anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, and of course insanity.
" you mean another psychiatrist" I said annoyed
" Yes Dipper but he's going to help you. Not be a toy in your stupid games" he said angrily
I just rolled my eyes
" What ever" I said and went back to my hammock
I heard my door close.
Wondering when he's coming
Another person to annoy

~~Time skip~~~~~

" hello Dipper" said a dark voice
" who are you" i said I confused. I looked around but saw nothing
" Just another voice in your mind" it said
I saw an eye appears. Once I blinked it disappeared. I blinked again and now it had a red bloody X over it. I screamed but you couldn't hear it.
"HAHHAHHAHAHAHA" The laugher Incase's my head. I couldn't stop it.
" Shut up" I yelled to nothing worked. More eyes appeared and disappeared. The laughter grew louder. I saw the cipher wheel I've seen in every dream. This time there was a triangle in the middle with the eye opened and a big red X over it.
I couldn't bear the laughter anymore.

" AHHH" i screamed
I looked around frantically but only saw my trees. I took a deep breath like almost everyone told me to do when I wake up from a nightmare. I've had them almost every night.
I looked around once more and realized it was still nighttime. My corner had a vent that was screwed shut but I was still able to open it. I looked out through it and it was dark out.
My rooms light was also barely lit.

I didn't sleep for the rest of the night.

I heard my door open and I got scared. I looked to see who it was and it was only Wendy. She brought my breakfast and medicine.
" hey Dipper it's morning time for breakfast" she said as she looked to my trees. I got down and walked to the table set up in my room. I sat down and didn't show any emotion. She placed down my food then gave me a box with pills inside. I ate my food while she just waited by the door. I took the pills and drank some water. When I finished I help put my plate back on the tray.

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