Insane Love

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Bills POV~~~~~~~~~~~~
I couldn't believe what Pinetree told me
He likes me?? I couldn't believe it
I fell so hard for him when I first met him I couldn't believe he likes me too
I honestly don't care what others call him insane or not I love him for him. His personality is amazing and he looks so cute. I fell for him the moment I saw him and fell even harder just after one day of meeting him

What surprised me was that he thought I liked his sister

" Pinetree I'll give you the truth and nothing but the truth ok?" I said. He nodded and gave me a confused look
" Pinetree I love you. The first day we met I just fell for you. I don't care if others call you an insane. That's not what I see and that's not what's stopping me from loving you everyday. Pinetree I don't like your sister if anything she's pretty annoying. I didn't kiss her she kissed me. You didn't see the whole thing but I pushed her away and walked away she followed me and I confronted her outside that I didn't like her that way and plus I'm gay" I said honestly. I felt my face heat up as I told the story. He look at me in shock and confusion

Dippers POV~~~~~~~~~~

I didn't know what to say

I couldn't believe he likes me. Out of all the sane people he choose me. An insane?
I didn't want to believe it but I always wanted to hear it

" really?" I said confused

" Really" He said happily. I felt my face heat up as he hugged me tight. I felt tears threatening to spill but I stopped my self. I tried hugging him but the handcuffs kind of stopped me. He wiped away a few tears that spilled from my eyes. I looked into his gold eyes as i felt the two of us lean forward

" Bill I-" i said before i felt his lips on mine

I was shocked at first before i melted into the kiss. i put my hands on his chest as i felt his hands on my waist. I felt him bite my lower lip. I let him in as i felt his tongue explore my mouth. We separated for air. I felt my face heat up

" Youre so cute~" He whispered. My face heated up more if that's even possible

" Bill i really like you and i know you like me too but-" I said looking away from him. I hated that this is what stops me

" But?" He said confused. I didn't need to see him to know his face was full of fear

" Im an insane. To make matters worse im in Dead Zone theres literally no chance for me to leave this asylum. I don't think its a good idea that we get together because i cant leave this room. Heck i cant even have a normal visit with you without being handcuffed twenty-four seven. This isn't the best way to be together" I said tears building up in my eyes. I tried so hard not to let one tear spill

I felt Bill move my face to look at him. I saw sadness in his eyes

" Pinetree, i- i love you and it might sound crazy to others but they wouldn't understand how i see you. Youre not an insane to me. You just see the world differently. Ill help you to get out of this place no matter what! Pinetree i love you so much i want to do everything in my power to get you out of here. Even if it takes us years i don't care. Pinetree i can wait for you because i know I just know that if we make this work we can build a life together" Bill said so hopeful. I couldn't help it anymore and cried

He wants this work. He'll wait for me to leave this hellhole. I couldn't help but cry. I never had someone tell me those words so truthfully

" Bill" I said cupping his face

" I love you too. So much. But i don't want you to wait so long just for me. I might not even leave this place. You will just be stuck in an infinite loop of waiting and i don't want that for you. I don't want to be the thing stopping you from living your life" I said placing my forehead on his. i closed my eys as i felt my hot tears fall down my face. I didn't want to be his burden

" Pinetree i don't care. Youre not stopping me. I don't care about waiting. If i have to wait for the rest of my life i don't care. I just want to see your smile everyday of my life. I want to see you happy" He said full of hope. I felt his lips on mine again. I melted into his kiss but soon we separated

I felt him wipe away my tears. I was still blushing. I didn't want to see him leave me but i knew it was for the best. I hated the idea of him leaving but i knew it was the right choice. Im only stopping him and myself

We talked like normal every now and then hugging and quick kisses. He made his flirty jokes that always made me laugh and blush. I didn't want our times to end. Not now or later but i knew it would come at some point whether i wanted it or not. Bills visit was coming to an end and i didn't want to say goodbye

" Ill miss you Bill" I said as we hugged. Technically i had my hands on his chest as he hugged me but anyways

" Pinetree im not leaving forever" He said reassuring

" I know " I said quietly

" Pinetree i promise ill find a way to get you out of here" He said so hopeful

" Don't make promises you can keep" I said quietly.

" How about a deal pinetree" he said excitedly. I gave him a confused look

" Ill find a way to get you out and in return you have to promise you will continue to love me just as much as i love you" He said happily. I smiled at him

" Deal" I said happily. We shook hands. I waved goodbye to Bill as he left my room. I felt so happy. I felt the same as i did when i first met Bill and the feeling wouldn't go away

I was so excited to see him tomorrow i couldn't wait!

~~Time Skip~~~

Its the next day and Bill showed up for our meeting

What he told me shocked me

I couldn't believe that was his idea. For as much as i love him the plan was supper risky and it will make us live in constant fear

I was willing to do it though. I just hope this was a good idea


That's the end of this chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed. See you all next chapter!

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