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3rd Person POV~~~~~~~~~~
As the years went on Bill and Dipper has made a life in California. No one ever bothered them and soon Dippers thoughts went away each day. Dipper no longer suffered through the arguments in his head and rarely ever has nightmares like before

It's been 5 years and they lived in peace and quiet. Their fears of being found was forgotten. The two of them adopted 2 kids. A boy and a girl. The oldest was the boy but it was only by a few months
The whole family has been together for 3 years. They named the boy Tyler and the girl Sophie. Tyler was 4 and Sophie was 3

Everyone was content with their lives. It's wasn't until one unfortunate day that Dipper has to make the biggest choice of his life.....

Dippers POV~~~~~~~~~

It was the afternoon everything was normal. I was outside with the kids walking around adventuring. After a while we went back home to eat

" DAD!" The two yelled as we entered. I smiled at how excited they were

" Hi kids" Bill said happily. I entered the kitchen with everyone else. Bill hugged me and kissed my cheek as the two kids run off to their rooms

" How was the forest" Bill asked as he finished cooking

" The usual, peaceful" I said smiling. Bill smiled too

I was reading a book to the kids as we waited for lunch to be ready. But soon I heard a lot of cars stop. I closed the book and looked out the window

I didn't expect to see what I saw. My eyes widen as I looked out. I grabbed the kids arms and dragged them to the closes bathroom. I left them inside and closed the door quickly

" MOMMY!" They yelled with fear

" Pinetree whats wrong?" Bill said confused I grabbed his arm and pulled him to the bathroom. I heard the doors slam close. I started getting more scared

" Bill please" I said trying not to cry. We went to the bathroom with the kids and I started clearing out the bottom sink cabinet as quickly as I could

" Kids please hide. I don't want them to find you. You guys are going to be okay I promise" I said as I hugged them and helped them sit inside. They looked at me scared but listened. Once they were inside Bill looked at me confused

" Dipper whats going on" He said fully confused and concerned. I was shocked when he said my name. He usually never says it

Knock Knock

I looked at the door in fear. They were knocking at the house door loudly

" There here" I said in fear. Bill looked at me confused

" Ford" I said with full fear. Bill looked at me in shock

" But its been so long why hasn't he just given up" He said confused and angry

" Because he doesn't give up on something like this" I said scared

" OPEN THE DOOR MASON!" I heard them yell from outside the house. No one responded. Soon I heard them hit the door

" their breaking the door down!" I whispered in fear

mason you cant hide from them

I know you made a life here and all that shit but you cant stay forever

Just give up

Think about your kids

Their safety

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