Chapter 5: Battle Girl Izuka

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On the second day of her Work Experience, Izuka awoke in unfamiliar surroundings. The girl slowly sat up, realising she was sleeping on a Futon in a Japanese style room. The last thing she remembered was fighting Blade Jester in Endeavor's Agency, so she reasoned that she'd passed out. This had to be the Todoroki Estate; the décor matched perfectly with what Shoto had done to his room at the dorms. Izuka quickly got up and found her clothes, changing into them while hoping that it had been a maid or something who had dressed her into her night clothes...

Emerging from the Todorokis' Guest Room, Izuka was met by an elderly lady in a kimono, who bowed politely to her. "Miss Midoriya, Good Morning. I was sent by Master Todoroki to wake you. He asks that you join him and Young Master Shoto for breakfast in the hall. Might I escort you?" the lady asked kindly.

"Yes please." Izuka bowed politely, and the Lady smiled sweetly at her as she turned to lead the girl to her hosts. The Todoroki Estate was in the heart of Geonosu Ward and like all homes in the ward, was a wealthy Japanese style estate. Izuka was led to the hall, which was really a large room with a long, low table in the centre and numerous cushions around it to act as seats. Endeavor (already in uniform) was at the head of the table with Shoto at his right. Upon seeing her, Endeavor gestured for Izuka to take the seat at his left, which she did obediently.

"Good Morning, Endeavor sir, Shoto." Izuka greeted politely.

"'Morning Izuka." Shoto replied coolly. He was used to waking up early (it was about 6am) but he wasn't a morning person.

Endeavor nodded sternly at her; "Are you well rested? I will be training you thoroughly today."

Izuka gulped; "Yes sir. Um, if it's okay sir, what happened yesterday? The last thing I remember is fighting Blade Jester."

Endeavor smirked; "You fought until you dropped. It was actually rather impressive... if it weren't for the fact I had to carry you out. My damned Sidekicks were taking pictures." he ended with a grumble as more servants entered with stacks upon stacks of food.

Izuka's stomach grumbled, forcing Shoto to stifle a laugh while Endeavor noticeably ignored the sound. As part of the living arrangements for the Interns on their work experience, each of the Hero Supervisors were informed of any dietary needs for their temporary wards, so Endeavor had been alerted that Izuka needed to eat a lot more than a normal girl, so he had his cooks prepared a veritable banquet, which they did with gusto, not having had to cook so much since the Todoroki family was last all together. Izuka felt her mouth water as she looked at the meal; it was a Japanese style breakfast as opposed to the western style she was used to at home, so there was a lot of rice and fish.

After the traditional table prayer, the three dived in and for the second time in the last two days, Endeavor was amazed by the girl. She ate more than Endeavor and Shoto combined and then kept eating! Endeavor had to tilt his head to subtly look at the girl's stomach, yet it didn't seem to swell or bloat.... Where the hell did this girl put it all!? Her manners were impeccable of course; Mama Midoriya had been meticulous in teaching her daughter proper manners, especially since her Papa ate rather quickly and messily, so she had to counter his bad influence. The Maids and the Todorokis were amazed when Izuka finally stopped, having devoured everything in reach. "Thank you for the meal!" Izuka chirped happily.

Endeavor turned to Shoto, "Shoto, what did I just watch?"

His son smirked wryly; "Izuka's quirk burns calories rapidly just by existing, and she uses the excess food she eats as fuel for her fire. Auntie Inko, our Dorm Manager, explained that it all gets converted into raw energy inside her body, which is why she doesn't get huge despite eating so much."

"As a side effect of that though, my body grows slowly since all the calories and energy are consumed by my quirk, which is why I'm small." Izuka smiled; "I was extra hungry since I missed dinner yesterday. If I don't eat enough, then my flames start using my life energy as fuel and if I use too much..." she trailed off, not wanting the Maids to hear of her immortality. Endeavor was mildly shocked; so the girl's own quirk could kill her from overuse? He'd need to watch that and ensure she eats every meal from now on. Endeavor did NOT want to face All-Might and confess that he let his precious daughter accidentally starve and work herself to death...

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