Chapter 7: Sisters in Spirit

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Izuka sat quietly in a Hospital Room, Eri napping on her lap. The two had been put here almost as soon as they arrived at the hospital, as the Doctors and Nurses were more concerned by Endeavor, who was badly hurt. Shoto had been marched off to another room for an examination, and both All-Might and Eraserhead were contacting U.A, arranging to have Principal Nezu and Izuka's mother come by the hospital to deal with the aftermath of the battle with Overhaul. Even Agent Nest was called, since he dealt with quirks that had to be carefully watched in case they were misused, and a quirk like Eri's definitely fell into that category.

When Izuka and Eri had arrived at the hospital, some Nurses had tried to take Eri away to be examined, but the girl screamed and recoiled, her horn beginning to grow again to signal her quirk was near to activating. Izuka quickly took control of the situation and gently calmed the child, and the Hospital Staff decided that it was best to leave the vulnerable girl in the hands of the only person she seemed to trust, at least for now.

After resting for an hour, letting the stress of the battle wash away, Izuka looked up to see that Shoto, her Parents, Agent Nest, Aizawa-sensei, Principal Nezu and Endeavor had all come in (though Endeavor was actually confined to one of the beds in the room, much to his chagrin). Eri woke up at the noise, only to frown at the sudden appearance of the large group of people, resulting in her pushing herself further into Izuka's embrace, hiding her face. Inko stepped forward slowly and sat beside her daughter on the bed, smiling softly.

"Hello Dear. I see you've got a new fan? What's your name, Sweetheart?" Inko asked gently.

Eri didn't answer, but did peek out a bit to see this new woman. To Eri, Inko looked like an older Izuka with straight hair instead of curly. She was a bit taller, and her hair was in a sort of half bun instead of a ponytail, but there was no mistaking it... Inko and Izuka shared the same kind eyes and gentle expressions. Eri looked up at Izuka questioningly, and Izuka smiled.

"This is my Mom, Inko Midoriya." Izuka answered the unasked question.

"Izuka's Mama?" Eri whispered, looking back at the woman with newfound bravery. If this lady was the Mama of Eri's Guardian Angel, then she had to be good! She'd be an angel too. "Um... I'm Eri." she introduced as politely as she could.

Inko and Izuka both felt their hearts clench at the cute girl, and from his spot, Toshinori gripped his chest... seeing the two most adorable and precious ladies in his life with this white haired cutie was too much for his old heart. Inko recovered first and smiled brilliantly at the child.

"It's very nice to meet you, Eri! I hear you've had a hard time of it, so I'm glad my Izuka was able to help you." Inko smiled, slowly reaching out a hand to pat Eri's head. The little girl flinched, but Izuka's own hand never left Eri's back, where it was slowly rubbing calming circles, so Eri was able to relax a bit, allowing Inko to continue her movement. Inko's hand gently patted the girl's head, then when it became clear she was growing more comfortable, she began stroking her hair, lightly brushing it with her fingers. Whatever could be said about the Villains that had held her captive, they had at least kept Eri clean. Thanks to Inko's ministrations and gentle humming, Eri warmed to her, slowly shifting off of Izuka's lap so she was sat comfortably half on her lap and half on Inko's.

It was clear that Eri had never known a friendly or affectionate touch, and now that both Izuka and Inko were comforting her, Eri felt warm and cozy, relaxing into them both. Once it was clear she was calm, Nest looked to Toshinori and gestured for the Number One Hero to join as well.

Toshinori was mildly confused, but he wasn't one to object to such a thing, so he calmly approached and knelt down in front of the three ladies. "Hello, Young Eri. My name is Toshinori. I'm Izuka's Papa and Inko's Husband."

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