Personality #1: That Unrealistic Perfect Guy

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Sweet, kind, caring, he would understand Charlotte perfectly and love her romantic, poetic personality. When Charlotte was 15, she heard of the concept of chastity. She found it a beautiful idea, a way to ensure that the first time you made love, it would be with someone who genuinely loved you. The perfect guy would be not only prepared to wait, he would /want/ to. The kisses they would share would be tender, chaste and affectionate. She imagined only chaste sensations in this boy's presence: her darker, desirous side would be chased away by his 'light'. Gentle, thoughtful, someone to complete her but to whom she herself would belong, willing to listen to her poetry and full of romantic ideas, words and sentiment himself. Imagining this boy broke Charlotte's heart because the idea of him was just so beautiful.

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