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Ashton. Ashton. Ashton.

There was something about him that ringed a bell in the back of my mind, but I couldn't put my finger on it. 

After I dropped Lily off at the door and left, all I could think about was this mysterious Ashton. Which I know I shouldn't but, I can't help it. I can't help thinking about how Olivia takes exactly after him. His curly dirty blonde hair and glimmering green eyes, his perfectly pigmented skin, and jesus christ, that smile. That smile could make all the dead flowers resurrect and the sun come out from behind the winter clouds, while birds whistle in the background and every girl melts to the floor- but, I have to stop this, it's ridiculous. He has a kid, he's most definitely married.

By the time I had finished 3 sessions at work (I'm a photographer at a local photo studio) it was 3 o'clock and I had to go pick up Lily. I jumped in my car, excited that I might get to see Ashton again, I know it's wrong but he's beautiful. I drove to the school managing to hit every green light and found a space to park. While, exiting the car, I noticed Ashton getting out of his car right beside me. Part of me was yelling to talk to him, but the other half was louder and said to just walk by. I just passed in front of him when I heard his voice yell "Izzy!" from behind me. I squinted my eyes but then turned around and gave him a forced smile, trying not to let my true emotions show, "Hey Ashton." He caught up to me and looked down to start a conversation with me.

"I was thinking that because Lily and Olivia have become such great friends recently she could come round on Saturday for a play date? And we can just bond over coffee." He said to me.

"Uhm, I'm sure Lily would love that…but won't your wife get mad about you spending time with other woman…" I replied nervously playing with the end of my brown hair, which reached the middle of my back. Ashton stared off in the distance awkwardly, searching for an answer to my statement/question. Shit, did I say something wrong. "Uh, I mean, is midday alright.?" 

He looked back at me and nodded with a smile. We wrote down our names on the pick up list and went to pick up our kids. They ran out together screaming any giggling. 

"Hey princess, did you have a good day?" Ashton asked Olivia as he picked her up and held her above his head. She squirmed and laughed telling Ashton about the great day she had with me daughter.

"Well, guess what baby? Lily's coming to our house to play on Saturday!" He said putting her down as our kids screamed again and gave each other a hug, I had to admit it was the cutest thing I saw today.

Well, maybe the second cutest.


Lily woke up at six a.m. on Saturday morning buttering with excitement, and asking me every half hour "how much longer till we go to owivia's house?". Finally, it was 11:30 and Lily jumped in the car in her pink ballerina tutu and high top converse. It's her certain style. Ashton gave me their address on Friday afternoon and I knew it would take about half an hour to get there. Lily and I sang to The Script cd the whole way there, she wouldn't be my kid unless she liked them. 

We pulled up to the house and Lily sprang out of the car first, knocking on their door like there was no tomorrow. I stood behind her and rang the doorbell. Ashton opened the door, and my heartbeat sped up. He was wearing a dark blue jumper and had a cup of coffee in his hand and tight black jeans. Olivia came out from behind him and grabbed Lily's hand and the ran into the house. 

"Izzy, hey, come in." 

I walked in shyly and he closed the door behind me. "Tea? Coffee?" he asked.

"Tea, please." He nodded and I followed him into the kitchen.

We were now sitting in his living room and had been talking about everything for 20 minutes. I felt like a teenager again, listening to him talk it felt like we were alone in the world. He's so gorgeous. I didn't notice I was staring until he repeated my name a couple of times and I blinked back to reality to see him giggling. "I asked if you think we should take the girls to Dairy Queen?" 

"Uhm yeah sure." I replied, feeling my face flush. He did that stupid, lovely smile again and held my hand to go tell the girls and to get in the car. Right then, I felt like a volcano of butterflies erupted in my stomach.

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