Day6 Young.K - Physical Touch -

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I'm going to be using Young.k's real name for this imagine just because it is somewhat a high school au so i think it just fits better.

Y/N pov
It's another day in hell and by hell i mean school. I got ready quickly just slipping on the first hoodie that I saw which was a white champion one and also wore a pair of denim short and I walk out of my room to wake my brother up.

"Park Jaehyung get the hell up before I throw cold water all over your face."


"Oh don't you dare underestimate me."

"Yea, yea fine I'm awake. Happy?"

I rolled my eyes and strolled downstairs and a whiff of pancakes attack my smell senses and I hurry down the last few steps.

"Morning mum."

"Morning dear, how would you like your pancakes today?"

"With whipped cream, chocolate syrup and strawberries please. Thank you, mum."

"No problem dear. Jaehyung how would you like your pancakes hmm."

My annoying ass of a brother sits down next to me with the same exact hoodie just in a black colour.

"Are you serious Jae? The same hoodie? How lame are you."

"Mum I'll like to just have maple syrup thanks. Hey Y/N it's good for us to sibling couple sometimes you know huh? Show some brotherly love." He says teasingly and slung his arm around my shoulders.

I grumbled and ate my pancakes with Jae's arm still around me. We finished just in time it was already 7:15 am.

"By the way, Brian and July are taking the car with us today. His car broke down." Jae said with his face stuffed with pancakes.
July was my best friend who is dating my brother so I didn't mind and her brother is Brian but when I heard his name I froze, I might have a minor crush on Brian... Okay fine! It's a major crush okay? I admit I really really like Brian and I see him all the time with Jae and his buddies Wonpil, Dowoon and Sungjin. He is just so good looking, talented and smart but I don't think he sees me in that way. I'm like 15 and he is 18. (pretend Brian is 18) I know age gap but if you like someone, age gaps don't really matter right?

I dragged myself into Jae's G wagon (yes they are kinda rich) unwillingly.

"I thought you liked Brian? Why are you acting like he is your enemy and you don't want to see him?"

"I just know that he'll never like me so I want to stop giving myself hope."

"Baby sis..." he sighed "I can see that Brian definitely likes you. Don't give up on him. He's just a little dumb."

"Mhm. He definitely "likes" me. What a huge fat joke. I overheard some of the guys in his class saying that he likes Andy. I mean of course! Andy is pretty, skinny and everything I'm not." I burst.

Tears well up in my eyes as cross my arms and look out the window at the busy streets trying to blink the tears away. But, one falls and lands on my cheek and I don't even bother to wipe it off.

Jae sighs. No matter how many times he has ensured me that Brian likes me I just don't listen and he gets annoyed at me.

Brian and July entered the car with July in the shot gun and Brian with me at the back. The two sibling could sense the amount of tension in the car.

"Hey guys? Is everything fine?" Brian said looking at Jae before turning to me.

"Yea she just having a little tantrum." Jae muttered annoyingly.

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