Your Nightcrawler Love Story Part 6

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 awww, Kurt is so cute.

And please leave comments! Short or long goofy and crazy, i dont care i just like hearing from my readers. :D

When you all got back to the mansion the Prof. was told of what happened. "Kurt, you should go get some rest, and _____ could you watch him please?"

"Of course Prof." you answered.

Kurt teleported you to his room and he teleported himself on his bed. "Thanks again____, but I don’t think its necessary for you to stay here and watch me.” Kurt said.

"Don't mention it, but the Prof. told me to watch you, and that’s what I'm going to do, besides what if you slip into a coma or something?” you joked. Kurt laughed, and was asleep within a few minutes. You were sitting on a chair next to his bed, just watching him sleep. 'He's actually kinda beautiful' you thought to yourself. Eventually you yourself fell asleep. When you woke up you saw Kurt trying to get up too.

"You need some help?" you asked him.

"Nah, I think I got it," he answered, "I'm going to go get some breakfast, you wanna come?" he asked putting his hand out.

"Sure, ok." you said grabbing his three fingered hand. You both appeared in the kitchen.

"Good morning Kurt.” the others said to him. "And you too ________".

"Morning" you both answered.

Kurt limped to the fridge, probably to get milk for some cereal. "You sure you don't want any help?" you asked him worried. Everyone was watching him limp around, he was pretending not to be in any pain but you could tell he was.

"No thanks." he replied.

"I know that you’re in pain Kurt" you finally admitted, "I wish I could heal you again, but I already tried to last night and it didn't work." you added. "You should stop being stubborn," you said a little aggravated "your going to hurt yourself walking around like that." you walked over to him.



he was now at the pantry and got his cereal,


now he got a bowl,


and now he was sitting down at the table. "Better?" he asked you snickering.

"HA, HA" you laughed sarcastically and smiled at him.

. . .

Later, all were in the living room watching T.V and playing games and things. Meanwhile, Kurt was teleporting around a lot all day, to avoid walking on his leg and hearing you complain. Scott and Jean were arguing over the shows Kitty was putting on t.v about home make-overs and puppies and things, when:


He showed up in the middle of the room. 

He was breathing kind of funny, like he was gasping for breath. He sighed and rested his arms on his legs, his tail wasn't moving, it was just lying on the floor.

"Kurt!?" everyone looked at him and stopped what they were doing, surprised and startled over his appearance.

"Whats wrong?” you asked, hurriedly walking to his aide.

"Nothing, nothing, it's my fault, I think I teleported past my limit" he answered.

Scott helped him to the couch so he could lie down. "I told you that you needed help" you told him. He didn't answer, his head just dropped and he passed out.

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