Colored Glass Rims

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[[May contain spoilers for Devil May Cry 5]] 

[Word Count: 822]

I'm a simple human who works a the Devil May Cry, keeping track of the jobs that come in and working a primary job to keep the place in working order. 

Shortly After the fiasco that got Dantes brother back things have been, a bit awkward. After the near year they were gone we spent trying to figure out how to retrieve them without the Yamato and without opening a hell gate. Since their return, Dante has settled right back in but Vergil is still stiff and shy. 

Since their arrival, I've had to earn more money with the same number of hours, and the twins needed to figure out how to be civil with each other. Its taken months but Vergil has gotten used to being back and mostly calmed down from his hostile high. To the point, he gets invited to Nero's place occasionally. 

I was actively getting my Uniform on for work, a collared top with three top buttons- sand pink for the night, black skirt and suspenders. We had these shitty company issued black heels to match. I opted to put running shoes on now and throw my heels in my bag that carried some necessities. Throwing on my long jacket on I exited my room and headed down the staircase to the kitchen where I got my lunch to put in my bag and a quick bite for the time being. While I was stuffing my face, Vergil stepped through the thresh hold carrying a container. Likely leftovers from the dinner Kyrie made- the girl loves to cook for an army. He greeted me with a small nod, and I hummed in response. I quickly finished my dinner and washed my dishes in the sink. While I was grabbing my coat from the coat rack, Dante sauntered in from a job and threw his jacket on me. "Hey, Dumbass pay attention," I muttered. I wrote a reminder on a sticky note about Dantes arrival time and threw it in a drawer to be dealt with in the morning. Losing time I rushed out the door and got on my bike to head off to Love Planet where I work as a bartender. 

It had been some hours into the shift and the night was as wild as any other night. People hitting on me and my co-workers, calling the bouncers, bar fights, and the girls on stage working it. At one point a man offered me a tube of fresh lipstick, asking me to put it on and kiss the rim of the glass for his Blow Job. "How much are you tipping me for this?" I asked raising an eyebrow at the tube of bright red lipstick. He laid the cash on the counter, next to the black tube. I counted the money, even with it including the money for his drink, it was a damn good tip! With a shrug, I separated and properly placed the money in my apron. I opened the new lipstick and applied it before mixing his drink. As I shook the drink in the glass I looked right at the man and as sensually as possible kissed the glass, making sure to give it a little tongue. Ice and drink were poured into the glass, he instantly grabbed the glass and drank from it. "How was that?"
"Perfect." He replied a bit breathy. I smiled and rubbed my lips together effectively spreading the color back over my lips. "Keep the lipstick," the man muttered before merging into the crowd of people. With a shrug, I scooped it up and shoved it into an empty pocket of my apron. 

Every day after that the same man came up and asked for me to kiss the glass of whatever drink he wanted. He would get one drink and the glass would be later discovered on a table, devoid of color but with the grease of the lipstick smeared over the rim. 

Over the course of the next month, the boss got wind of the 'lipstick special' as well as some other customers. The lipstick special was added on the side of the price listings, rules were one color per person, one color a night. The first customer to ask chose the color for the person for the entire shift. 

None of this was a problem, at work. When I got back to the Devil May Cry to organize job info and sleep everyone noticed. Everyday. Someone asked. Usually Dante, especially with the more intense reds. Although with the blues and paler colors, Vergil or Nero may have a side comment to make. If I'm going to be honest though catching Nero is the only upside as he gets very flustered and it's amusing.

[I really hope people like this, send me suggestions if you have revision ideas!! Constructive criticism is welcome!]

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