Thistle - Metallic

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[May Include Spoilers]

[Word Count: 6002]

The gleam from my lipstick reflected just barely off the glass in my hands, filled only with water because I have to be the responsible adult. An alcohol-filled Dante was passed out on the couch, his brother, on the other hand, was properly resting. According to Dante, this was his plan for preparing to go off on a mission later today, which was definitely bullshit but I had given him the benefit of the doubt on account of being unwilling to stop him.

With a sigh, I walked over to the couch and poured the remaining water on his head, unimpressed with his behavior. For being trusted to protect this city, and the surrounding cities, from major Demonic issues he sure sucked at being responsible for himself. The man rolled off he now wet couch, groaning, "What do you want?" his eyes still closed.

"You agreed to help me do a little shopping before you left with Vergil this afternoon," He groaned, "Should we finish quickly I can get you some strawberry ice cream before I have to send you off," That got him to rise, albeit slowly but he did. We both went upstairs to change into suitable clothes for going shopping. For Dante that meant drying off, changing his shirt, getting shoes and coat on. For me, that meant changing out of my work uniform and getting a pale blue front tied shirt on with white shorts, shoes, and my purse. Being aware of the potential weather I made sure to grab an umbrella and a gun, better safe than sorry. 

Grabbing my coat from the coat rack I yelled for Dante only for Vergil to come down the stairs, "If that bastard isn't coming I'm going to hang him up like a hunting trophy," Vergil snorted.

"He's coming, but I wish to join as well," I smiled at him.

"Just try not to kill him while we're out, you'll need him later, they're expecting two people," He smirked,

"No promises." I giggled at him, while he chuckled a bit. During our moment Dante vaulted the railing on the stairs, shortly after a crash and clatter were heard from the kitchen.

"If anything broke it's coming out of your ass Dante."

"You don't have to be mad that I ruined your little moment with Verg here," He peeked into the kitchen and almost visibly relaxed. 

"Oh wow, people being friends, how wild is that Dante?" I rolled my eyes, "Besides he as old as you are and that's a bit nasty, sorry Vergil," he put his hand up and shook his head," Besides, I'm not into older guys Dante, you know that." I opened the door and the pair followed me out to the car. 

"So you're into younger guys?" Dante felt the need to pry at this once more as I sat in the driver's seat and turned the car on.

"I'm into whomever I'm into, just shut up and get the program that is not going to be fucking you, you toe licker." 

He gasped dramatically, I could see Vergil regretting his choice as I drove us into town, "Are you accusing me of having a foot fetish?!"

Like that our wildly, ̶b̶u̶t̶ s̶u̶r̶p̶r̶i̶s̶i̶n̶g̶l̶y̶, uneventful shopping trip began. 

Luckily for Dante, we had time to stop and get ice cream before they had to head out. Dante took his sundae with him and Vergil had finished his ice cream sandwich at the parlor. I dropped the twins off and headed back to the shop. 

Quickly I took care of the food, the mess that Dante made, and anything the boys got was put on their beds. With a stretch and yawn, I changed into my pajamas, took off my lipstick, and curled up in bed, slowly falling asleep. 

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