Day of incident...

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What if a certain encounter made you question everyone and everything...would you do the unthinkable?

3 years ago

The mom Karen's P.O.V.

I was laying in bed reading while my husband was just getting out of the shower. It had just turned uh about 8:30 ish p.m. And I wasn't feeling at all that tired, I was usually exhausted about this time because of a long day at work then coming home to cook and clean, I swear these kids dont do anything. All they do is sit around and read and on the internet on that damn thing called tumblr I think, whatever. Anyways...I just cant shake that feeling that's in my stomach, I dont know if I want to puke or go get fresh air. I think its the second one. I walk past Vincent as I head over towards the window, the screen on it broke last week and I never really got around to fixing it. I mean its a pretty decent neighborhood, not much can go on here. Its been good to us for about 15 years, wouldnt hurt to leave the window open for the night..

"Hey, karen, babe, what are you doing" "Opening the window silly its, stuffy and I dont feel good, calm neighborhood air will do the trick" "you do know we have an air conditioner right? I can just go turn it on" " no its fine, id rather have fresh air handed to me then pay another damn bill" " well alright, but if anything comes crawling through to get leaving your ass here. Consider your ass warned" " ha ha. Feelin the love babe" " you know im just joki-" as Vincent was trying to finish out the last of his rather sarcastic remark. There outside was banging sound out against the house below the window. " what the fuck was that" as karen was turning around to walk over to the window to see what caused the commotion, she suddenly smells a fowl oder and drops to the floor and starts coughing uncontrollably, as her heart begins to pound endlessly and eyes begin to roll. Her nose starts to bleed and starts choking on her own blood. The insides of her stomach feels like there being tied in knots. She tries to scream out in pain but as she looks up the sight she saw...could've made your own heart stop beating all at once.... there dragging itself through the window was....

The father Vincent's P.O.V.

As I stood in shock and disbelief that I was just having a conversation with karen one moment and the next shes heading towards the window to investigate the sound that disrupted our talk then the next second shes on the floor fighting for her life as some revolting "thing" is attempting to rip open my wifes stomach and pull her insides out dragging them out window where it so schocked I could 'nor move or fight, or cry. All I could do was run over to the window and slam it shut cutting off any life there was left In my wife, from the guts that were previously out the window. As I held her in my arms all I could do was whisper in her ear "shhhh my love" "shhhhh, just go to sleep" and as I hear the window smash I held karen as tight as I could before I felt a sharp intense pain shoot through my back and out the front of my chest then firm hands grasp my head and.."snap"...

Ariels boyfriend Eli's P.O.V.

I live an hour and twenty five minutes away from ariel and her family and we havnt seen eachother in about three weeks. I decided to suprise her and just show up and have karen and vincent sneak me in and us bake her a cake or something. I had texted skylar telling her the plan and to not say anything that to leave soon cause I was almost there. She agreed and soon I reached the corner where their house was and saw the girl's car pulling out and driving away...but I also saw almost a red tint to karen and Vincent's side of the house below their-...shattered window...what the acual fuck. I pull in quietly and see moving in there room passing the waving curtain in the window seal. Coverd in red. I can barely make out a silhouette bending over and back up then back down. I pull out then park down across the street. I get out and walk quietly, carefully and sure as hell quickly over to the side of the house and push myself flat against it. My heart starts to race as im thinking of all the scenarios in my head of what could be happening. Could they really be that low as to pull a prank on me like that? I dont think they would.. would they?.. I decide to go in through the front door and make my way through the till I reach their room.. front door...locked..also is backdoor...of course all windows are to except....god dammit. I flattened myself out against the side of the house again amd take a deep breath before rounding the corner.As im approaching the window I can hear faint shuffling sounds coming from the room like a dragging noise. "Click-click, draaaaag" "click-click, draaaaaaag" coming towards the window! FUCK! Ive gotta get outta here befor- omg!

Skylars P.O.V.

I got a text from Eli saying he was gonna suprize ariel so I need to get her out of the house for a bit. I told her im taking her shopping since it was her early birthday present as was his arrival. Ariel was waiting in the car and on the way out the house, I would assume mom and dad knew the plan so I just informed them on our leaving. "Mom!dad! Im going out with ariel! Be back in a few hours dont wait up!

I heard mom yell something so I took as an understatement. I couldnt just say the obvious like ok im getting her out of the house now Elis coming, just in case ariel heard. So I just yelled back "yeah yeah whatever goodbye! Love ya!"

I got in the car and pulled out checking the rearview mirror, I saw Eli pull up, I took the chance of her seeing and pulled out and drove off..

Little did I know. That was the last time seeing those three...alive...

Ariels P.O.V.

We were walking around the mall and skylar excused herself to go have a cigarette. Its a pretty bad habbit that id wish she'd stop. Cause its extremely bad for her and not only is it gross, its a waste of money.

Shes been out there a while so I went to got check on the little dummy. As I walked out the automatic sliding glass doors with my two hot topic bags in hand, I see her sitting on her knees rocking back and forth holding her head with muffled whimpers coming from her. Is she crying? I ran over dropping my things and embrace her in a big sisterly hug whispering sweet nothings and when she calmed down. It was ridiculous question time. "Are you ok" she violently shakes her head and she begins to tremble, her eyes are blood shot and tears soaked her cheeks. She looks up at meet and hands me her phone. A picture. From tumblr. What is wron- I take her phone and examine every inch of it. Mom. Dad. ELI. Blood. Everywhere. " SKYLAR WHAT THE HELL IS THIS" I yell thinking this is some sick joke." THIS ISNT FUNNY DAMMIT, WHERE DID THIS COME FROM"

She looked me directly in the eyes and said below a whisper I could even barely understand "this was sent as fan mail to us on tumblr"

I froze...

We're pretty famous on tumblr, we have quite alot of followers. We get tons of askes and fan mail and reblogs and notes. So we're well known as The Echo Sisters. On rare occasions we get noticed out in public and when we do we get asked for pictures and then we check tumblr and we're tagged in it and its got so many notes and reblogs already. I knew we had haters but I didnt think they'd ever go the extreme as to kill the ones we loved..

Moms body was lieing on the ground her stomach hollow and guts spewing out across the room, dad has glass shoved through him and his neck snapped...but..Eli.. his mouth is cut open from ear to ear in a permanent smile and his eye lids burned off. His arms bent in awkward positions and legs completely broken. His nails have been pulled off and his chest is cut open all the way down to his stomach.

I cringed at the sight dropping the phone and puking up every last bit of dinner that was left in my stomach and then some. Skylar held my hair back as I was ruining every last meal I ever think about eating. She grabs her phone and looks at who sent the photo. "Omg! Ariel look!" I looked back my face beat red I know it and my eyes watering pretty bad. She hands me the phone and says click on the their URl.. I do as she says. Then is bold letter the screen goes red flashes three times and said

"This account has been Permanently Terminated"

I dropped the phone. This was posted from an account but how! Theres no traces of it, only the picture with no owner, how is this even possible?!?. I saw the notes and reblogs and comments already forming.what is happening...?

Then thats when the phone rang....I answered. " hello..."

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