3 storms and...cuddles?

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Hope this doesnt suck o much ass Lol.

Alex's POV

I woke up at 2:45 am to a horrible headache. I twist and turn in my bed, trying to go back to sleep, but it fails. I curse under my breath and start heading towards the kitchen. I try to not make noise so I don't wake Thomas. This clearly fails because I see him step out of his bedroom and start walking towards me.


"Hey, what are doing up so early?"

"I can ask you the same thing."

"I have a horrible headache. what about you?"

"you woke me up, fucker."

"Sorry. Jeez"

"I heard there's a storm coming soon"

I froze. I hear the puppy again. It's starting to growl. I can't let my anxiety get me so I just reply like its nothing.

"O-oh ok..." I trailed off at the end

Seriously, Alex? that's what you call an "it's nothing" voice?

silence filled the room. before it gets awkward, a loud thunderclap came out of nowhere causing me to yelp. Another thunderclap roared, rain started pouring. At this point, I was about to fall on the floor. I could hear Thomas yell out something. I couldn't hear him too clearly though.

all I could hear were the screams of people, pleading for rescue. I saw dead bodies everywhere. the water, rising up to my waist. I was trapped under so much debris that I couldn't move, I thought it was over for me Until I heard some people gather around me and help me out from under all that junk. I would've been dead if it weren't for those people.

I realize I was sobbing when I felt the warm tears fall onto my hand. I feel some arms around me. I wasn't thinking straight so I didn't recognize who it was at first. Those arms pull me into a warm embrace, and I couldn't help but lean into it. I hear someone mutter sweet nothings into my ears

"...sh sh... it's going to be ok."

"Alex, tell me what's wrong," He lets out a small sigh

"I want to help you." I finally decide to tell him, even though we just saw met again since high school.

I let out a shaky sigh and begin explaining.

"w-well, back in the island of N-Nevis, A strong H-Huricane hit and peoples dead bodies were floating o-on the flooded land. I was t-trapped under too much debris to help them b-but I really wanted to. their s-screams and cries for help ceased as a wave of f-flood water came and...and-" i cut myself off by sobbing harder.

"its ok Alex, you're fine. you're with me, you'll be safe" Thomas pulls me closer and a light blush dusted onto my cheeks.

Thomas' POV

"Tommy?" I blush a deep red at the nickname. I didn't like it when James said it, so why do I like it now?

"y-yes Alex?"

"can we cuddle?" I become a red tomato. Instead of answering with a yes I pick him up and take him to the couch and leave him to rest on my lap. He snuggles closer to my chest and wraps his arms around me

God, I didn't know that I would be falling this hard for my worst enemy.

I realize I said that out loud because Alex started giggling his cute little face off. we both had blushed, me being a red lobster and Alex having a light pink spread across his cheeks and ears.

I don't think it's in his right mind to ask a man you used to hate in high school for cuddles. it just doesn't seem right. I end up cuddling with him anyways, even if he wasn't thinking straight. I hear him mutter something but I cant quite catch it.
"Cant hear you Alex, speak up."
Alex lifts his head from my chest and stares into my eyes.
"Can I sleep with you? John usually conforts me but I cant go out in the s-storm."
My heart flutters, but soon stops when I remember he's not completely aware of what he's doin or saying, but hey,-

" Of course."

-a man can dream~

I carry him off of the couch and lead him to my room. He waits for me to climb into bed, so he can snuggle up beside me.

I wish he actually knew what he was doing.

We fell asleep entangled in each others arms while the storm passed. I felt Alex flinch a little every now and then with thunderclaps but he felt safe so I was happy. Before falling asleep, I just look at him for while, taking in his beautiful features

everything about him is gorgeous and perfect.

What the hell? What am I thinking?!

Fuck it. I have a huge crush on Alexander freaking Hamilton.

I slowly drift of to sleep while looking at the smol bean entangle in my arms. I just want to hold him closer, but im afraid that If I do i would suffocate him.

Hiyaaa its the author here with another chapter. This ones kinda short but its still super cute. I know I know cliché. I loved writing this though. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did😊. Au revoir 👋❤️
~897 words

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