~Chapter 10~

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Animatic by RobotSpaceJelly.
Also, this chapter is not edited to im sorry about any spelling errors.
My uploading schedule is basically non- existent at this point.
Thomas POV
I slowly strutted back to the couch, my face drowned of any color. I sit with Alex's friends, who are now bickering about an alert they received on their phones.

' Classes on June 10th have been canceled due to the hurricane'

With a slightly shaky hand, I grab and pull out my phone from my pocket. I press the home button, revealing the magenta Macaroni and cheese wallpaper.

It read Sunday, June 9

Its supposed to strike tomorrow.

I abruptly get up from the couch while my friends start freaking out. "Guys what are we gonna do about Alex?!" I said, earning the attention of the group.  Angelica stood up and walked towards me, grabbing my shoulder. "Thomas, me and you are going out to bye supplies. Or anything that we can use to distract Alex." Peggy and Eliza stood up and walked over to us. "We'll go with."

"Alright the rest of us are going to stay here and explain the situation to Alexander. Once he's awake of course." I nodded swiftly, but knowing how Alex got during storms, I told them to call me if Alex got out of hand.

~~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~~

Me, angelica, eliza and Peggy got out of our parked car and walked out into the warm summer breeze. "Guys, what if he passes out because of the trauma? Maybe we should've stayed. I should've been the one to explain to Alexander. What if he goes insane and tries to kill himself? What if he tries to kill me?! What if-" Peggy cut my tantrum off, sounding very annoyed. "If you say 'what if' one more time I will dress you up as lettuce and feed you to the snails." Laugh a little to lighten up the mood.


We get inside the wal-mart and decide to split up. Im going to get snacc, Peggy is gonna get drincc, Angie is gonna get things to entertain Alexander and the rest of us while Eliza got the essentials for a hurricane (first aid kits, canned food, water, flashlights batteries e.t.c)

When we were done getting all of our supplies, we met up in the middle of the store to check out. "Did everyone get everything?" I questioned "I got all the drincc." Peggy says "I got board Ganes and cards." Angie states "I got the essentials." Eliza remarks "alright I guess we have everything."


After checking out and arriving at the dorm, I open the door to be greeted by a hyperventilating Alexander, who is about to pass out on the floor. I look around the room to find the others backed up on a corner. "Alexander? Can you hear me?" He nods slowly after a few seconds. "Can I touch you?" He nods slowly again. I pick him up bridal style and take him to the couch. The rest of the guys get out of the corner. "There there, youre alright. Ill protect you." I say, caressing his cheek and kissing his forehead softly. His breaths start to even out a little as I hold him.

Alex's POV
I love that rush when he folds me into his arms and I can let out a sigh of relief, knowing that Im safe there. Always.

As Thomas picks me up and puts me on his couch, I remember my brother being dragged away from my grasp by the waves and floods.


Me and James were running from the terrible floods, running out of breath. We stopped for a quick second to catch our breathe, and in that one second,

time seemed to slow down

James was holding on to my arm like his life Depended on me. His screams and pleads for help seem to have slowed down, along with his movements.

I turn to look at James as he's being dragged away from me by the giant waves. "JAMES RUN!!!" He tightens his grip on my arm. He let out a terrified scream as he let go of my arms and let the giant waves swallow him.

"JAMES NO!" I ran as fast as I could all the way to nice ladies house. I knocked on the door quickly and nervously. She opened the door quickly and noticed the state i was in. She quickly said "get in, kid." I went inside her house and imeediantly broke down into tears, sobs racking my whole body.

That was the one second I regret the most.

-Flashback over-

"There there, youre alright. Ill protect you"

My breathes even out and I am finally able to speak. "T-Tommy?" I open my eyes slightly and see Thomas blushing a scarlet color. "Yes, its me. Im here for you dear. ( ill make it perfectly clear. senpai love me). I hug him tightly and repeat myself. "Tommy!" He blushes even darker and holds me tighter.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH" Peggy screams suddenly, running around the room like crazy. "Peggy?! Whats wrong?!" Thomas says, concerned.
"youguysarethecutestthingiveeverseenimlitterallygonnastarthyperventalatingsomeonehelpme -" me and Thomas blush a deep red and cut her off saying "shut up!" At the same time. We both blush a darker red as Peggy lets out another fan girl squeal. "Youguysaresoocuteimabouttohaveapanicattack." Me and Thomas look at each other still a blushing mess. We look away after stealing a glance at each other.


After the others had left, Thomas and I were left alone on the couch. I was feeling myself start to panic a little, knowing that tomorrow I could loose someone. I start to shake a little and Thomas responds by tightening his grip around me. "Its ok sugar, I wont let anything happen to any of us. Ill protect you." I smile and slowly stop shaking "Thanks Tommy." I say kissing his still-reddened cheek. Since his face is already so red that it cant get any redder, blood starts gushing out of his nose. I looked up at him and cupped his cheek. I gaze down at the blood from his nose and licked it all off, which only caused more to gush out. I licked it all up until he stopped bleeding. Thomas looks up at me in shock. "What? I like the taste of blood ok?!" He takes my hand and takes me to my room.  I climb into my bed and Thomas climbs in next to me. He holds me close ro his chest whispering sweet nothings into my ear.

I always feel safe when he's around.

I honestly dont have enough will to live to do anything so im just gonna leave this AN at that. :/
~ 1,119 words

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