~Chapter 6~

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Lexi POV
I was woken from my nap by an all to familiar southern accent. His morning voice very clearly there.

"Alex....wake up....breakfast is ready."
He shakes me awake lightly. With a groan, I slowly got up from the bed. "Morning Tom." Since when do I call him Tom? "Morning Alex." He replies.
"I made breakfast. Want some?" He tilts his head a little to the side. "Yes please." Thomas walks outside the room and I follow. He proceeds to walk toward the kitchen to get the food and I take my seat on the small table in the dorm. When Thomas arrives, he sits next to me and slides a plate of food toward me.
To say the least it was the most amazing breakfast ive ever had.
"Thomas this is amazing!!"
He chuckles "glad you like it." He says, taking a bite of the perfectly cooked and crispy bacon. "Like it? I love it."
I honestly just wanted to say 'I love you." On the spot but im sooooo but doing that. Specially because I dont know how i feel about him yet.


~time skip to the beginning of classes~

The rest of the week we had left I spent with my friends and Thomas. Its actually pretty nice to have him on my side (it must be nice, it must be nice, to have Jefferson on your side). I wake up to my alarms annoying sounds. '8:05' it reads, so I have plenty amount of time to get ready. Luckily, Jefferson was already up making breakfast for the both of us. I walk towards him and creep behind him. "Boo" I say jumping from behind him. "Ah! Jeez. Good morning to you too." I chuckle lightly. "Good morning Thomas. What you making?" He turns to look at me. "Waffles." I hum a response as if to say 'that sounds good'. While Thomas makes waffles I go to my room to pick out clothes. Once satisfied with the clothing I chose, I go to the bathroom to change into my yellow slightly oversize sweatshirt with the word 'frosty' in different pastel colors and some black ripped jeans. I look in the mirror and try to tie my hair up into a high ponytail.  After im done with my hair I put on some black boots.

{like this but imagine the word frosty on the sweatshirt and loose the high heels and the purse}

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{like this but imagine the word frosty on the sweatshirt and loose the high heels and the purse}

I walk outside to see Jefferson already dressed and eating his breakfast. He turns around, kind of glaring at me. Im creeped. like really creeped.

Tommy boi POV
Hammy POV
I snap in front of Jefferson's face to try and snap him out of his gaze. He looks at me and shakes his head like he's trying to shake away his thoughts. "You ok?" I ask while sitting to eat my waffles. "Y-yeah im fine, just lost in thought." Something about him seems off. "Okay then."

~~time skip after eating breakfast~~

"Whats your schedule?" Thomas asks me as we walk together. "First period english, Second math then my free lunch period." I can see his face light up a little as I say the last part. "After that I have history and debate class.

Thomas POV
"I have math and debate with you!" I try to look happy but really I dont want to fight with Alexander in debate class. We've gotten so far without arguing and I dont wanna stop that now. "Hey, you dont mind if I take you out for lunch on the free period do you?" I fiddle with the drawstring of my hoodie nervously. Apparently he picks up on that but doesnt say anything. "Of course I dont mind! Do you think I can invite the squad and the Schuylers?" I let out a sigh of relief "Sure."

After a while of walking we finally got to our classes, having to separate on the way there. I have history right now while Hamilton has Spanish.

The class is filled with thoughts of Alexander and the occasional copying of notes from the board. After the bell rings for math class I race out of the room and go to the Spanish one to find Alex at the front door just leaving. "Hey, how was Spanish?" I ask as I catch up to him. "Boring, im already fluent." I watch as kids are filling into their rooms. "Hm, that's cool. How'd you learn?" I ask "my mom taught me." He replies.

After a relatively long and really awkward silence I say "hey im gonna go to the bathroom real quick. wait here alright." "Ok ill wait here."

Hamilton POV
I watch as Thomas scurries off to the bathrooms. After he's out of sight I look up to see my psycho Ex who I dated in high school( J.D is that you?!).




He was really abusive(nevermind I guess). After high school ended, I broke up with him. I had enough of his shit. But here he is, alive and well.


"Oh hello there little slut, long time no see huh?" He ask with a happy tone. "Get the hell away from me." I mutter almost inaudibly. "What did you say to me skank?" (Ahh nothing! But I know-) .

I get pushed into the lockers by him. "Get away from me." I say louder.

And just like that he starts to beat me. Throwing punches everywhere he can,slapping me so many times my skull felt like it was going to shatter. Leaving bruises and scars in uniamigable places. It Hurt Like Hell.

After a while of this I start wondering 'where's Thomas when I need him?'
And as if on cue, Thomas runs around the corner and sees me. All I can see is Charles being pulled away from me. I hear muffled yells but all I can understand is:


I feel Thomas carry me somewhere and call someone.

"Your going to be fine ok Alex? Stay strong! For me, and your friends."

He holds me closer and just like that..

I'm out like the light.

Bounjour Bitches!! It me the author here with another chapter. Hope you enjoyed it😊 Ah revoir👋❤️

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