The Avengers Make Plans Based On What They Watched

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After the movies finished the Avengers and fellow super hero's found themselves waking up in their beds with co-ordinates to Avengers Tower in New York sent to their phones.

Arriving in the communal area the now knowledgeable team began to set a plan in place.

Bruce and Tony sat on computers transferring anything remotely related to the team members and their loved ones to a secure server protected by multiple firewalls and Jarvis.

"Let's remove ourselves from the database," mummers Tony as he hacked into Shield.

Turning to the group who'd now stood and moved closer, Tony explains his plan.

"I can create the Avengers Initiative, copyrighted and all, as a separate division and transfer everything they have on all of us. And I mean everything Jarvis can get his hands on, not just Shield's; then we can start anew."

Nodding the team agreed.

"It'll keep our identities safe when we expose Hydra, but we need a better plan than the movies," said Natasha.

"We should grab a quinjet before we do much more," said Clint, stepping forward too. "It'll help getting around the place."

Nodding Steve thought up a plan. "If Tony and Rhodey take their suits and hijack one, bring it back here, that could work; what do you think?" Steve asked turning to Rhody.

"I'm up for it. Tony?" Rhodey commented.

"Let's do it!"

Finishing up the last of the transfers Tony turned to Rhody and they made their way to Shield.

Landing on the silent Helicarrier deck, Iron Man and War Machine walked straight up to the best quinjet, Jarvis hacked it's protocols and the ramp was lowered.

Sitting in the pilot seats. Tony and Rhodey silently started the engines and were off towards the tower in a flash.

"Shield really needs better security." Commented Tony, landing the quinjet on the roof.

"And better tech, I am so upgrading this thing."

Standing around the conference table Captain Rogers stated the plan.

"Right, Hawkeye, you'll infiltrate Helicarrier 1, by inserting the chip which will disable the systems. Black Widow, you'll take Helicarrier 2, I will take the third one. Falcon, and Iron Man will head to Camp Lehigh and take care of Zola. War Machine, Scarlet Witch, and Quicksilver will head to the Hydra base holding Bucky and bring him home. Banner you'll stay here with the others to release the information on Shield and Hydra to the public. All good? Let's go!" Said Steve to the team before each of them grabbed their gear and headed off to do their respective jobs.

For the infiltrators, getting into the partly built Helicarriers was too easy, inserting the chips and getting out was even simpler. The six Agents simply walked out leaving the rest for the government to remove the tech once the information leak was done. "All clear," said Hawkeye, sharing a smile with the others.

Falcon and Iron Man touched down in Camp Lehigh and quickly sent to work planting the detonators throughout the hideout before evacuating the building and blowing Zola sky high. "Heading home!" Reported Tony.

War Machine, Scarlett Witch, and Quicksilver touched down outside the Hydra base. Running in past the guards Pietro made it to an unconscious James Barnes. Going in stealth mode, War Machine and Wanda made their way behind him. Lifting the sleeping soldier the boys began the escape, Scarlet Witch in the lead taking out Hydra agents silently one by one.

Reaching the outside of the bunker they were spotted which was short-lived as Rhody flew by taking out the agents before helping the four kids back to the quinjet. "Extraction completed." Wanda called in to Banner.

Back at the tower Fury, Hill and Coulson monitored their progress.

Once the last call came in Fury began tapping away at the main computer and began the leak of all Shield/ Hydra's secret to the world.

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