Chapter 1

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A/N: Ok, guys. This is a new story set in the Stargate Atlantis universe although there will be reference to SG-1 at times. Story starts in Season 2, right after they've returned to Earth--so basically around the second episode of season 2. Let me know what you think! Enjoy :)

"All set for tomorrow?"

Elizabeth Weir looked up from the conference table she was hunched over. Files were spread out haphazardly around her laptop. She smiled politely at the man in front of her.

"General." She nodded at him. "I believe we are. Just finishing up a little paperwork."

He nodded and paced around the table towards her. "I'm sorry about the conversation we had earlier regarding Major Sheppard."

Practiced in diplomacy, Elizabeth kept her face neutral. "I appreciate that."

"It wasn't how I intended our first meeting to go." Landry said, stopping in front of the seat next to her. He looked at her, waiting for her to nod before he sat.

"I planned to sit down with you and work through the best way to support the Atlantis expedition. And then, the initial reports came back." He said.

"Colonel Sumner's death?" Weir guessed.

"That was a major factor, yes. When we received the transmission before you arrived, we had to come up with a plan to address the gap. It was never an issue with you or Sheppard. General O'Neill has always supported the both of you and I trust his judgment, but he wasn't here."

Elizabeth looked at him, confused. "But surely he was kept apprised from his new post."

"He was kidnapped, Elizabeth. He and his daughter."


Landry nodded. "Yes. You know she's a high target with the Go'aould. Five weeks ago, they were both off world on a mission and were taken. We only found them last week, after you had returned."

"That's why..." Elizabeth mused.

"We were all a bit disorganized?" He chuckled. "Yes. On top of your return, we were juggling missions to locate and rescue them."

"I'm sorry." Elizabeth said. "If I had known..." she sighed. "How can I help?"

"You have nothing to apologize for." Landry assured her. "I should have handled the situation differently, but I didn't and my reasons while valid don't erase our rocky beginning."

Elizabeth smiled. "I'm willing to move forward if you are."

"Agreed," Landry said with a smile. "But I do have a favor to ask."

At Elizabeth's nod, he continued.

"Nicki has finished her doctoral work and was going to start teaching part time next year. The rest of her time would be spent here, continuing her research on Ancient technology. However, with her kidnapping, we need to get her off Earth for a while."

"She would be an excellent candidate for the Daedalus," Elizabeth offered, knowing that wasn't what he meant.

"She would, but we were hoping to keep her off Earth for longer than a few weeks."

Elizabeth smiled. "She's worked with Rodney before so I'm sure we can add her to his team if you'd like her to stay on Atlantis."

Landry breathed a sigh of relief. "It's your expedition, your call. But it would help us if she was out of reach."

"I'd be happy to have her. We only met briefly but I think she would be a good fit."

"Good. Major Lorne who is transferring to Atlantis has worked on her security in the past. They're very comfortable with each other so I would advise having him oversee her security and the transition."

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