Chapter 10

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(sorry guys, I'm changing this to a third person pov!! Hope you guys don't mind:) )

Betty pulled back from the kiss softly, opening her eyes as she looked into his beautiful green eyes, a soft expression on his face.

"What was that for?" Betty asked, moving her hand from his jaw down to rest on his shoulders.

"Just felt like the right moment.." he shrugged, a smile appearing on his face. After a moment his expression changed and he looked a little upset, thinking about the secret he was hiding. Betty noticed, grabbing his hand softly "You okay, Jug?"

He avoided eye contact, looking down at the ground. "There's something I haven't told you.." He spoke, taking a step back. He pulled his shirt off, revealing a massive scar that ranged from his stomach to his chest, along with the other recent gashes and bruises that covered his body from the Serpents initiation. Betty's eyes widened as she examined the whole scar, trying not to focus on the newest stuff, her mouth opened slightly as she stared. She went to speak, but Jughead spoke over her. "I was in an accident.. At the end of summer when I left.. I had to relearn everything." He admitted, sadness creeping it's way into his emerald eyes.

Betty furrowed her brows, confused at what he admitted. "Jug... What do you mean?" Her attention moving from the scar, up to his eyes.

Jughead shifted his weight from one foot to the other. "I was in a car accident with a friend at my mom's.. I lost the ability to talk.. walk.. think.. and even remember.." his hands resting in his pockets. "I forgot You." Sadness sweeping over his face as he took in a deep breath.

"You got into an accident.. and didn't even tell us?" Betty spoke, breaking the small moment of silence. Tears in her eyes, almost spilling out. Her breaths shaking everytime she breathed. She weakly shoved him backwards "You got hurt, and your mom or dad didn't even think to tell anyone, or even Me? We thought you left! We thought you didn't like us, and you decided to live with your mom" Jug turned his attention to her face as he heard her voice crack, tears escaping her eyes and falling down her cheeks softly until they dropped off onto the floor. He didn't mean to hurt her, he didn't even know what was happening half the time back then..

"I-I couldn't tell you. I didn't even know what was happening half the time and My Mom wouldn't tell anyone.. She said it would make us a target from other gangs, and my damn dad was drunk all the time so he never understood anything.." He finished, breathing roughly as he used all his air talking. His eyes burnt, he felt awful for how this all happened.

Betty took a step closer to Jug, resting her hands around his neck softly as she tilted his head down, resting her forehead against his. She let out a soft breath, opening her eyes to look at him.

"It's okay, Jug.. I understand" she breathed out, almost shocking Jug at how understanding she was, especially with how upset she was a moment ago, he softened under her touch, relaxing against her.

Their eyes connected as they stared at each other, just staring silently.

"Thank you, Betts.." He leaned down more, pressing a passionate kiss onto her lips. She accepted it gladly, pressing her body against his as he rested his hands on her waist. Just a simple soft kiss, lightening the tense and worrisome situation at hand.

"Hey Bett-" a voice spoke, startling the couple and they let go of each other quickly, taking a step back to see where the voice came from. Betty turned to look out the window, recognizing Archie in the opposing window, his mouth open in shock as he saw the two. A shirtless Jughead, and Betty in a small tank-top, obviously in some intimate moment. Jughead pulled on his shirt quickly, hiding his scar from Archie as fast as he could.

"I-It's not what it looks like Archie. You can't tell anyone!" She replied to the redhead, his eyes still switching in between Jughead and Betty. "It kind of looks like you both just slept together.." he pointed out, his eyes still widened. "Does your mom know about this?" He asked before she could answer. Betty shook her head frantically "We didn't! And no, she doesn't. You know she would kill me. You better not tell her!" She practically begged, crossing her arms as she stared at him.

"Hey man, it's none of your concern and even if we were doing something, we're both old enough to consent and we'd be safe." Jughead spoke, making Archie shift his attention from Betty to Jug. He squinted, staring at the man in Betty's room.

Archie sat there silent for a few moments, then nodded slightly. "A'ight dude. I guess you're right." Shocking Jughead slightly at how chill he was. "We're not kids, I won't say anything unless it becomes a concern. I'll see ya guys around" he shrugged, and with that he shut his window, leaving the couple in silence. Betty turned back to face Jug. "Well.. that was.. easy?" Finishing her sentence with a small chuckle and a smile on her face.

"Yeah.. it was honestly kind of shocking" he laughed, glancing back at the window, where he could see Archie in his room, messing around with a guitar.

"Come on" Betty spoke, breaking Jughead out of his train of thought. "We've gotta get to school" Betty went back to her dresser and grabbed some clothes, making her way to her bathroom and shutting the door, changing. After a couple minutes, she came out to see Jughead, in slightly different clothing, but still clothes that didn't look necessarily clean. "You can leave your extra stuff in the bottom drawer of my dresser. That way my mom won't find it, and you don't have to haul it to school." She spoke as she glanced at his backpack, and then back up to him. All of his bruises and cuts on his face we're ten times worse than they were last night.

Betty was worried for what happened to Jug, but she didn't want to press him. Jug nodded with a smile on his face, opening the drawer and tucking a few things away, a couple pieces of clothes and then some knick knacks, including his laptop. They made their way downstairs and into the kitchen, where they grabbed their breakfast, eating it and heading outside.

"My bike is around the corner, if you want a ride." He turned to Betty, keeping his attention on her. "Yeah sure, that sounds nice" she nodded, following behind him as they made their way down the road to a small driveway that used to connect to a house that got torn down many years ago. It is overgrown, but people use it as a turnaround, so it's pressed down enough for him to park.

They got onto the bike and made their way to the school, Jughead extra quiet.

Once they got there, Jug shut off his bike and gave Betty her bag. He took off his own helmet and put away Betty's. He pressed his hands against his temples, closing his eyes roughly. Betty examined his face "Everything okay?" She asked, concerned in the state he's in.

He nodded, opening his eyes again and looking at her. "My head is just hurting. Probably from last night" Betty looked at the bruises on his face, frowning slightly. "I'm okay" he spoke, breaking her out of her thoughts and he eyes snapped over to come in contact with his. She nodded slightly. "Promise?" She asked, moving her backpack from one hand to the other as she stood there.

Jughead grabbed her free hand softly, pulling her in as he kissed her gently. She kissed back, but it only lasted a moment. He smiled at her "I promise" and with that, Betty took a step back and he put his helmet back on. Turning on his motorcycle and leaving for his school. Betty just watching him leave, with a smile on her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2019 ⏰

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