Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Pulling up to the house, I get out of the truck and head inside. Sitting down on the couch, I just stare off into space as the tears fall down my face. I hear a bike pull up and don't move. All of a sudden, I hear the door opening, knowing only one person has the key, and then hear the bike pull back off. Lyla doesn't say anything and neither do I. She sits beside me and pulls me into a hug and just lets me cry. Once I stop crying, I sit up and she heads to the kitchen to get a bottle of Jack Daniels that I had in the cabinet. Bringing it to the living room, we take turns taking swigs from the bottle and she says. "Talk to me." I shake my head. "Nothing to talk about that hasn't been said a million times." I tell her. "Maybe it wouldn't hurt to tell him." she tells me. "Why, so he can reject me?" I ask. "Maybe he won't. You never know. And if you tell him, then you won't have to worry about it anymore. If he feels the same, he'll say something. If not then you can move on." she tells me. "I don't know. You know I got a job offer last week?" I ask. "Where?" she asks me. "This little shop on Main. They were going to offer me better hours and more money but I turned it down." I say. "Because of him." she says. "Him and the guys. I don't want to leave Gemma and the guys but yeah, he was a big part of it. Maybe I should have taken it." I tell her, looking down at my hands. "You need to tell him. You tell him or I do." she tells me, knowing that's the only way to get me to tell him how I feel about him.

It's Sunday evening and I am walking up to Gemma's front door for her weekly family dinner. Walking in the door, I head to the kitchen and put the desert that I made on the counter with the rest of deserts. "Hey Gem." I say. "Hey baby." she says back as I kiss her cheek. "Need help with anything?" I ask. "No. Just grab a beer and head into the living room." she tells me. I nod, grab a beer out of the fridge and walk into the living room. I see everyone sitting around and see Happy over in the corner talking to Tig and I see Lyla sitting by Opie. Walking over and sitting beside her, I lean back on the couch and she leans back next to me. "You okay?" she asks. "I don't know." I answer her honestly. We sit and talk about random things while waiting on dinner to be served. "Dinner's ready." Gemma says and we all head to the table. We look at the table and see there are small place cards sitting in front of each seat. I see that I am seated between Lyla and Happy. Great. I take my seat and Happy leans over and says "You look nice." I don't look directly at him but say "Thank you." I don't speak much during dinner unless someone speaks directly to me. Once dinner is done, the croweaters that are there to help with cleanup start moving things to the kitchen to start cleaning. "I'm gonna go get some air." I tell Lyla.

I walk out the front door and walk over and sit on the tailgate of my truck. That seems to be my go to these days. I am sitting there, just thinking when I hear his raspy voice. "You okay little girl?" he asks. I look over as he leans against the tailgate. "Yeah. Just needed some air I guess." I say, getting down. He stands straight and I put my tailgate back up before I start to walk back to the house. "You avoiding me?" he asks. I stop in my tracks. I don't turn around but I feel him gently grab my arm. "Are you avoiding me?" he asks again and I nod my head yes. "Why?" he asks. "Doesn't matter." I tell him and try to walk away again. "Does to me." he says. I sigh before turning around to face him. "Fine. I'm avoiding you because I been in love with you since the day I started at the garage. Happy now?" I ask before trying to walk to my truck to leave but he grabs my arm again. Turning me to face him he says "You need to get over that shit. I'm not a nice person, Kelsey. So you need to get over that shit and move the fuck on. You're better than that little girl." he tells me. I pull away from him. "No, I'm not. It's that I'm not one of those twig bitches that weighs twelve pounds that spends all their time on their knees with a dick in their mouth. But you don't have to worry about me anymore." I tell him before walking away. I get into my truck and pull away from Gemma's and instead of heading home, I head out of Charming but not without the tears falling down my face. Just after I pass the leaving Charming sign, a car comes right at me. Swerving to miss the oncoming car, I lose control of my truck and crash into a tree, knocking me out.

Back at Gemma's, Happy turns towards the house to see half the club standing there glaring at him and Gemma and Lyla are standing in front of him. "We'll head to her house." Opie says as him and Lyla head to his bike, Opie shoulder checking Happy on his way past. Gemma storms into the house but stops at Clay and says "Keep him away from her." Clay nods before Gemma slams the door shut on her way in. The guys head to their bikes and every one glares at him as they pass. Happy gets even more pissed off before heading to his bike and going for a ride to clear his head.

As he gets to the leaving Charming sign, he sees tire marks leading off the road. Slowing down, he stops his bike and looks over the embankment and sees the familiar truck. Calling 911, he tells them where the truck is and that there was a wreck. Hanging up his phone, he runs down the hill and opens the truck door and sees me unconscious. Checking for a pulse, he's relieved to find one. A couple of minutes later, the paramedics come running down the embankment with a stretcher and start removing me from the truck to take to St Thomas. Unser is the first officer on the scene and starts asking Happy what happened. "I don't know. I was on my bike and saw the tire marks leading off the road and stopped to check it out. Found Kelsey out cold." he tells Unser. The paramedics pull me up the embankment and head to the ambulance and Unser says "It's Kelsey? Shit." Happy never takes his eyes off of me. "I got your statement. Follow them to St Thomas. I'll let Gemma know." Unser says. "Thanks." Happy says before running off to his bike to follow me to St Thomas.

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