Chapter 1

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•Sasha Pov•

"Sash, I'll go pick up Viola from the playdate, start making dinner." Ashani pats my back just as I wake up off the couch.

I rub my eyes and smile at her, "Thanks for the help lately."

"Nah, working a night shift is tiring I get it just don't over work yourself." She smiles grabbing her car keys and heading out.

As soon as she left I laid in bed for an extra five minutes before having to get up to get the phone.

"Hello?" I yawn and stretch a little.

"Hey sweetheart." Dad's voice spoke through the phone.

It's not surprising the he'd call since he's been calling twice a week ever since he found our house number last year.

"Hey dad, how's it going?" I ask the same question I always do when talking to him.

Instead of the same 'perfect since I'm still living' answer he says, "Not good, your mim is down with a very bad illness and being my age there's not much I can do."

I frown and look in the mirror in the hallway, "For one dad you're only forty-eight and two what do you mean?"

He sighs, "She has a very bad flu and I can't do much with work and taking care of your grandma."

"Oh, how bad?" I ask walking into the bathroom to brush my teeth.

"To the point she can't get up on her own." Dad says.

I sigh putting toothpaste on my brush, "Alright I'll head over there probably tomorrow and help out."

"Bring my grandchild I have yet to see." Dad chuckles then coughs a little.

"Yeah, yeah. Love you and don't over exert yourself. Tell mom I said love her." I stare in the mirror waiting for his reply.

"Alright sweet, love you too see you soon." He hangs up and I begin to brush my teeth.

Going back home after six years, this will be fun.


"We're home!" Ashani calls walking in.

I look out the door drying my hands on my apron, "Hey baby girl."

"Mommy!" My little sunshine runs into my arms with a bright smile.

"How was your day baby?" I kiss her on the cheeks.

Viola giggles by my kisses, "The girl this time was really mean she didn't let me play with her Barbies."

"Oh well next time will be better hopefully." I smile kissing her forehead placing down on her feet.

She tiptoes to kiss my cheek and runs off to her room.

"So what's up?" Ashani follows me into the kitchen where I'm cooking spaghetti and baking cinnamon buns.

"My dad called and my mom is ill. We'll be heading over tomorrow." I sigh stirring the pasta.

Ashani leans against the counter, "Well I guess we can't stay when it's an emergency, I need to go see my parents anyways."

I glance at her, "So where's Camryn?"

"At Mike's house, you know the white nigga with the black name." She giggles.

I smile to myself, "Sure, well tell her to-"

"Fuck!" Me and Shani look at the entrance hallway and look to see what's wrong.

Camryn sits leaning against the door with her head in her hands.

"Cam?" I neal down grabbing Camryn's hands, "Are you okay?"

She shakes her head, "No, Mike is an asshole."

I chuckle a little but hide it so she doesn't slap me then put on a straight face, "Well he is-" I cant help but burst out laughing at the though of that white ass nigga being an actual asshole.

Camryn glares at me before rolling her eyes with a smile, "Hey, racist bastard when you're done laughing be sure to check the dinner."

I snap my fingers and stand, "Oh yeah."

After setting out the dinner we all stand around the table and talk.

"Wait, so what did Mike do?" Shani asks placing forks at each plate.

"Just been a asshole telling me what to do and shit like I'm his bitch-"

I cut her off, "Technically you are-"

"Nigga, I thought we were friends here." Camryn throws a napkin at me.

I smile rolling my eyes, "Sorry, but we all have to talk later, Viola, dinner!"

"Yay! Spaghetti! I love spaghetti!" Viola comes running into the dinning room in full speed and hops into her chair eager for her food.

I put noodles and sauce on her plate and we all eat, talk and laugh.

After dinner I put Viola into her bed to sleep and tell Camryn and Ashani more about what dad said about mom and we start packing and get tickets for the plane.

"I guess we're actually doing this, finally going back after nearly seven years." Camryn sighs as we pack up our carry ons.

We're only bringing about two or three weeks of clothes since we don't plan on leaving the new life we have.

"Yeah, I just hope my mom's alright though." I shrug yawning and hopping a bit on my bed.

Ashani chuckles rolling her eyes, "Moron."

We laugh and I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling.

Cam and Shani sits in silence.

"So, what will you do if you run into.... him?" Shani asks.

I sit up sighing and shrug, "It's not like he'll be at my parents house."

"True." Cam nods then claps, "Okay let's finish packing and sleep we're going back home in the morning!"

"Yeah!" Me and Shani fist pump and laugh.

We finish packing then head off to bed.

The last thing going through my mind was, What if I do run into Justin?


OMG IT'S FINALLY HERE YAY just wait you'll hate me in a while ;)

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