Chapter 8

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*Sasha Pov*

To say that the paparazzi is annoying is an understatement.

All day when Viola and I was buying some souvenirs for her friends back in Aussie they followed us everywhere until I gotten a couple of my old guy friends from college to follow us and be a body guard type, they were glad to do so if I bought them Chipotle.

"So why are these guys following you again?" Joseph asks for the tenth time today.

I groan and let David answer that by smacking the back of Joseph's head.

"Sasha, they are still near by but not too far, so I'll be going I have to open the bar." Harris says pointing to them.

I nod and smile, "Alright, we got most of the stuff we need anyways so thanks for today."

"Yeah, thanks for the food too." Joseph grins and we stop at my dad's car.

David as always quiet just nods with a smile.

I nod back and strap Viola in, "Say bye to the ugly men Vi."

She waves, "Bye bye!"

"Bye cutie, and we're not ugly remember that we were the top tree hottest guys in college." Harris smugly grins grabbing my waist from behind.

I roll my eyes and shut the car door turning to him as his arms tightening around my waist, "Dude, I told you when I called, my child's father is very overly jealous so might wanna watch it if he sees this on the web tomorrow."

Harris puts my arms around his neck which I keep there then his hands go back to my waist, "Let him be jealous then, we were great at making your exs jealous in college."

"Whatever, get going before your regular customers get inpatient." I slightly run my hands through his dark nearly black hair.

"Now that the obvious flirting is done with, we'll be going." Joseph rolls his eyes grabbing Harris's hoodie and pulling him away from me, "Sorry to cock block but you're our ride."

David gives me that type of look your father would give you and I just laugh, "Alright guys, later."

We head our separate ways and I head to Justin's house.

Noticing the extra car I roll my eyes holding in the urge to not keep my child.

Viola happily runs to the door as I get her bag of clothes and some toys, "Mommy, do I knock?!"

"Yes sweetie." I nod heading over.

She knocks and luckily this time Jaden answers letting us in, "They're currently doing what adults do so you can wait, they have the music loud so you can't here her sc-"

"Shut the hell up, Jaden." I glare at him letting Viola run to the living room.

He smirks and rolls his eye, "Someone's jelly."

"Bitch, don't start we both know I can easily make any guy I want come here in minutes." I smirk back, both of feeling competitive.

We have an intense stare off when a rough and husky voice interrupts, "You do realize we are right here?"

I eyes cut to the shirtless Justin who's still a bit sweaty and Selena who's putting her hair in a ponytail, "We'll if you didn't take so long fucking then I could have been out of here a while ago."

"Cut the crap Sash, just give me her clothes." Justin snaps as if I did something he really hates.

I should be the one angry here Mr.

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