Chapter 4

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•Sasha Pov•

"Hey Sash." I roll onto my back on the floor looking up at Michael, otherwise the other Justin.

"Oh hey man." I wave placing my magazine on my stomach.

He crouches down above me and flicks my forehead, "Don't just 'oh hey man' me. Why didn't you tell me you were coming back? By the way you didn't turn off the kitchen light when y'all left the house."

I smile at him, "You know when people say hey you usually suppose to say hey back."

"Don't change the subject." He narrows his eyes at me.

"Well I wasn't planning on coming back." I sit up sitting criss cross.

"Still at least call." He sits on my bed, "Oh how's the kid?"

"Good, she's adorable and so smart." I smile just thinking about my girl.

Michael nods, "Okay so where is she?"

"Camryn took her to Disneyland, she wanted her to have fun before anything with Justin blows out of proportion." I roll my eyes sighing.

"So you seen him lately?"

"Just yesterday, her came over with Selena, and I ran into him when Shani and I went over to his place." I stand stretching my legs.

Michael looks at me like an idiot, "What were you doing at his place anyways?"

I glare at him sipping on my fruit punch I had on my dresstop, "Shani wanted to talk with Jaden."

"Oh, she should be careful with him." He lays down on my bed.

"Why? Is it because he sleeps around cause Justin told me about that." I cross my arms.

"Not just that but he also has a record of STDs, mainly the curable non-death risking ones though so that's good." He stretches on my bed with a yawn.

I sit on the bed next to him, "And exactly how many STDs have he had?"

"Can't really remember but about three to four each year y'all was in Australia." He looks at me.

I ball my fist up, "So that bitch think he can just-"

Michela grabs my arms pulling me down to lay o  his chest, "He's not so  old hearted to mess with someone who has been through too much."

I frown but sigh, "Fine, but if he dares to-"

"Yeah yeah I know you'll cut his bitch ass." He rolls his eyes patting my back.

I chuckle, "I was gonna say kick him in the throat but that works too."

"Sasha, who's Lamborghini is th- who's this?" Mom walks in frowning.

We sit up and I stand, "Mom, this is Dr.Rothwell."

He holds out his hand, "Justin Rothwell, you can call me Michael."

Mom stares at his hand then back at him, "Well what is Rothwell doing laying in bed with you?"

"Mom! It's not like that." I roll my eyes.

She crosses her arms, "Then what is it exactly?"

"With no disrespect Mrs.Valentina, but there is no harm in two friends of opposite sex laying on a bed together just talking." Michael straightens up looking superior.

My mom glares at him, "Listen young man, I'm not as old you kids think, I'm not dumb. I know how this laying and talking starts and next thing you know my girl is shoving another child out of her-"

"Mom!" I shouts covering my face.

"Trust me ma'am your daughter's IQ is too low for my requirements." Micheal smirks.

I glare at him, "Asswipe."

Mom stares at us with narrow eyes, "Fine but her IQ isn't my fault."

"Mom! God you people are so rude." I throw my hands up in annoyance.

They laugh at me and mom heads out.

"Golly why are you people always bullying me?" I flop down onto my bed.

Michael rolls his eyes, "Whatever, well I'ma be taking off now so later."

I wave lazily, "Sure thing bud, later."

"Yeah, yeah. Oh, and I know it might be weird but you should talk to  Justin about Viola at least, she's  seven and smart she'll figure something out sooner or later." He stands at the doorway.

"Hopefully later but fine." I cross my arms.

Michael grins and leaves.

And I have to talk to him.


Sorry for not updating in a while my brain is in a brain fart mood I can't even concentrate on school work.

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