Chapter 1

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They were all dead.

Within three days.

They were all gone.

Anthony, Alyssa, Dominique, Leo, Piper, Jason, Frank, Hazel, Nico, Thalia...

Annabeth. His wise girl.

After Gaea thrust her earthen hand through Annabeth's heart, his world stopped. Everything just stopped.

Jason and Piper lay together, dead, their bodies protected by an enraged Aphrodite.

Hazel slumped against a spear that went through her chest.

Frank was currently in the healing tent, though now, it was known as the deceased tent.

Nico and Will were still fighting, that is until one of the earth born rose up from the ground, and commanded an army of assorted monsters toward the couple. It was too much for them. They were overwhelmed.

Thaila was on the ground, her eyes glassy, and her mistress crying beside her. Mourning for another lost lieutenant. Little did the moon goddess know, she would have no hunt after this. They were many more demigods to cry over. It was far from over.

Annabeth, his fiancé, was now dead and he could only stare in horror as her grey eyes that once held so much knowledge, dimmed out.

That's right. Fiancé.

Right before the battle, he'd proposed.

He'd figured 'Hey, what the hell? We aren't even supposed to live this long anyway.'

She had said yes, and kissed him a million times after. Both promised each other 'No matter what, we will save them'. Not the gods. The children. The demigods are too young for war.

That same ring was still on her finger, as she lay dying.

Percy silently walked up to Gaea. With each step the earth shook. With each step the air thickened. With each step the seas roared. By the time he was face to face with Gaea, he was emitting an aura of a god. An Olympian one at that.

The silence was scary. He didn't say anything. It almost would've been better if he yelled, screamed, or anything really. But the silence, the silence was like a buildup to what was about to occur.

Gaea, unknowingly, took a step back. She for the first time, had a look of fear on her face.

On the inside though, what no one knew was that deep down a little girl with a beautiful green drees and purple eyes, that pulsed with power, was screaming in chains.

Gaea had two sides. She has two forms. Like the roman gods and the greek gods. Some imagined her as vicious and merciless, though she is also known as mother of earth, and more commonly, Mother Nature.

She watched as the boy thrust out his hand onto her forehead and whispered "I know. I will help you. Trust me". His eyes shown sympathy and understanding.

The little girl in the green dress felt the chains begin to loosen. A voice appeared in her head, suspiciously sounding like Percy.

Scream. I have to make it look, like I'm killing you, not saving you.

So Gaea screamed.

And screamed.

And screamed.

To the gods it looked like he was controlling Gaea's blood, when really, he was freezing the evil Gaea.

The least expecting gods had looks of horror on their faces. Apollo was looking at Percy in worry, for his domain was knowledge, and he knew that Percy was pushing his limits.

Ares looked remorseful, he was the god of war after all, he didn't have to like it though. All the violent acts. All the obnoxious comments. It was just a facade. A way to deal with his domain.

Athena secretly knew Percy truly loved her daughter. After he had jumped into Tartarus for Annabeth, she stopped judging Percy. Now she was dead.

Aphrodite was close to breaking down and full out crying. First her children, now this?? She loved Piper so much. She loved all of her children, but Piper proved that Aphrodite children were good for things other than just looking pretty. Now Percy was close to dying. Yes dying.

When someone goes through great emotional turmoil, it causes the tendons that connect the heart to the body to unwillingly snap! So Percy could very well die of a broken heart. She was worried about him surviving , who would want to live without their future wife?

Gaea finally stopped screaming and the 4 gods were pulled out of their thoughts as they took in the scene.

It was disastrous.

The golden dust of monsters clung to every little thing. The ocean was half of the land, making random lakes and ponds suddenly appear. It was still raining. Percy's hurricane had quite the impact on the terrain too. Rocks stood misplaced everywhere, and random craters were now seen all over the bare landscape.

Percy and Gaea were in the middle. He was holding her gently, as if he were holding a scared little sister, not the goddess of the Earth.

The gods were confused. Why was she still alive? Why was she in Percy's arms? Why-

All the questions were cut off when they saw her
body fade into stardust, the essence of a primordial. A truly beautiful thing to watch.

Suddenly she found herself in an apartment, and as a little girl with purple eyes, wondering what happened. She carefully studied the apartment and then wanders over to the couch, and falls into a deep sleep.

The gods carefully walked over towards Perseus,  all were silent until Athena blurted out "We still have to see how our remaining children fair, over at the greek camp..." she left the sentence hanging as, one by one, the gods flash out leaving one lonely Percy with the thought of
'Guys. Guys? Guys...? I can't flash... Yup. Now they forget. He really just wanted to break down and cry. He then felt unimaginable pain in his chest and collapsed.

His last thought before dying, Here I come wise girl.

Perseus Jackson died of a broken heart that day.

And the creator of the universe watched with sad eyes as the boy, the chosen one, would have to endure, what he had to for the past few millennia. Loneliness.


If I managed to be popular enough for someone to read this, Great!!

Let me know what you think and I am fully open to criticism.

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