Chapter 2

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Percy POV

When I woke up I thought I would be facing Charon, ready to make a joke about actually dying, and not drowning.

Then I would be on the ferry boat on my way to the judges. And finally I would go to Elysium. And see my wise girl.

Yeah, not the case.

I woke up in a hospital looking room. Paintings littered the wall, everyone looked expertly painted. There was one that caught my eye though.

It was a painting of a field, seemingly endless. It was so lifelike, I felt like I could reach out and touch the grasses. A voice interrupted my thoughts. 

"Beautiful isn't it?" He stated smoothly. Geez, this guys sounds like he should be in one of those cologne commercials, like: Dior, for men..blah blah blah words blah blah blah

"I'll take that complement I guess. Never done a commercial before. Maybe I should try it... Anyways my name is Chaos and I am, unfortunately, the one who has to inform you that you are in another Great Prophecy." 'Chaos' said a bit nervously.

Did he just-


Are you reading my mind-


Well stop.

"Okay," he started off slowly "Well... your a part of another great prophecy as you already know. However, I can guarantee that this will be your last prophecy."

Yes!!! Finally ridden of the fates, who have been the bane of my existence for so long and-

" The prophecy states that you take my place as creator and king of the universe. As the only pure soul, besides me, you are in perfect health, unlike me and you need to take up the mantle of king."

Nope. Nopitty nope nope nope. Nope. No siree. Don't want to.

"Chaos, with all due respect, fuck you." I replied monotonously. All I really wanted to do was see my friends again and then, I have to go be the fucking creator of the fucking universe.

"I'm really sorry Percy, I really am. I am in very bad health, I am also fading. I would just poof myself better if I could. Unfortunately I can not. And if you don't do this then the universe ends. So it's either we do this willingly or unwillingly." He said desperately.

I guess I should trust him. Don't want the universe dying. I'll do this for them. My friends. My family. How are my parents gonna react!?!?  What about Paul?? What about the gods?!? What about my mom!!?!! Oh gods oh gods-

" Hey Chaos," I said "Is there any way for me to tell my friends and my mom about, you know, not dying?" I asked a bit quizzically. 

"Yeah. Sure I'll send them a note." He replied.

"Thanks Chaos."

After I said that, he began chanting in an ancient language, but I could understand it. Weird.

"I Chaos bestow upon Perseus Jackson the purest soul in existence, Wielder of Riptide, Bane of Kronos, Bane of Gaea, Defeater of Ares, Defeater of the Minotaur, Defeater of the Hydra, Defeater of the Mother of Monsters and many others (that would take too long to name), holder of peace, carrier of hope, annoyance of the fates, survivor of Tartarus, Friend of many, ex-fiance ton the recently deaceased Annabeth Chase," I winced at that one. "wielder of water, champion of the sea, the son of Sally Jackson and Poseidon, God of the Seas, earthquakes, Lord of horses and marine life. I bestow upon you the domains of light, purity, darkness, corruption, creation, destruction, wielder of σπαθί δημιουργίας(creation sword) and προσωπικό της καταστροφής (staff of destruction), Winged one, the dark angel of the Heavens, Ruler of Fate, Master of Life, Keeper of Death, and Lord of all."

Do I have to memorize that?!

Then he faded. But not without some parting words. In my head.

Perseus, now that you are the ruler of the universe you will be able to create or destroy things with the snap of your fingers. All these powers will come to you naturally, that is my gift to you. As the dark angel of heaven it means that you will have wings, as stated in the prophecy. Now as the wielder of the creation sword and the staff of destruction, you are even more powerful. Even I did not have the weapons, I thought they were lost in Void. The Void is the place where no one ventures ever. It's at the ends of the universe. It is safe for you however, as the 'Lord of all'. This also mean you are the ruler of the void. Now, onto more important things, the note I left your friends and family.

I gave a note to the following people:
Each note, before they open it must swear on your name never to tell anything or anyone what this contains. It said that you didn't die but your not living either, it was not your choice and that you miss them dearly. I have taken the initiative of saying that Annabeth should go for Rebirth.  Obviously because you are the creator, you are immortal and cannot die. Ever.

Hey Chaos, Percy speaking/thinking here, why did you say they sweared on my name?

As creator, your name is now binding, even more so than the styx. When said person tries to break the oath or even attempt to, they are sent to the void, where they suffer until they fade, god or not.

Goodbye Perseus, and good luck. Also I made other pantheons such as Norse, Egyptian, Christian, and other stuff. You will take my place in those worlds too. All the information about that pantheon will come naturally to you. Oh! I almost forgot, There's also a Primordial coucil that meets every century. See ya!

Well... what should I do now??

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