Chapter 4

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Percy panicked. For someone who had the power of unlimited knowledge, he was pretty dense sometimes. Zeus had just screamed "Die!!!!!". And then summoned wind spirits to chase him. So he ran.

After about 2 minutes of sprinting he realized that the wind spirits would obey him. Not Zeus. Percy wasn't 'the king of all' for nothing.

He stopped and waited for the wind spirits to come. As soon as they felt his presence they bowed.

My king

"Please," Percy paused "none of that 'my king' or 'Lord stuff'. I'm not one for titles. Now, what can I do for you guys?"

The wind spirits exchanged nervous glances. They were always told stories of how their great king always protected them when he could. How he was humble and kind. (a/n Chaos's memories transfered over to Percy, so now when I use a past reference I am talking about Percy's memories. For example, Percy remembers when He created the universe. Chaos's memory is now his, they are one being. Sort of.)

My Lord, our apologies. Zeus sent us here to fetch you saying that since you just died your opinions could have been changed while you were dead. We are dearly sorry 'milord.

"Well, that's actually reasonable for once. I have been gone for nearly 4 centuries."

My king, you have not been gone that long. Here, you have only been gone for 4 months.

"4 months..." Percy trailed off muttering incoherently. He should've known this. The time difference between where his house is and Earth is. His island is billions and billions of light years away. This could be an asset.

He would be able to reside in his home, while visiting during the summer and winter solstices'. He would be able to get so much paperwork done...

A gust of wind blew in his face. He then remembered that the wind spirits were there.

"Sorry guys. I'll come with you now."

The wind spirits led him back to the throne room. Percy had gotten as far as the elevator when he stopped. So it was a fairly long walk. People were starting to stare. Almost everybody knew about the 'dead' hero.

After all it was not everyday they saw him being dragged to the throne room by Zeus's servants.

Percy walking with his head held high. He was not worried. He felt people staring. He didn't care. Not anymore. He didn't like attention, but he was comfortable with it.

It's been four hundred years and Olympus never ceases to amaze him. Annabeth had some secret blueprints under her bed for Olympus. They must've found them. It had come out great. There were cafes, stores, and houses for minor gods. That had been Percy's idea. He was proud of that. They deserved recognition too.

They were now at the throne room doors. Percy easily pushed them open, not caring that only an Olympian could push the doors open; yes they were that heavy.

The gods were in groups. Zeus looked like he was threatening the other gods.

"And if you don't... I will....he left...I believe he sided with...we have the confession..." Zeus yelled.

I couldn't catch everything he was saying, nor did I really care. I came to see and and talk to my dad.

Zeus stood in front of me.  He had an arrogant smirk on his face. All the other gods were looking worried and sad. Something bad was about to happen. I could feel it.

"Perseus Jackson," Zeus announced "We, the council" yeah right, Percy thought. "have decided that you shall die as your punishment for being a traitor to Olympus..."

Percy zoned out after that. They thought he was a traitor. He died for them! They died for them! Annabeth died for them! Everyone died so they could survive! He was mad, but could see, so we're the others.

Dinysius was now awake and glaring at Zeus. So were all the other gods. Who would've thought the wine God cared?

As Zeus droned on and on Percy made a clone of himself and messaged Apollo and Poseidon to meet at the Hearth. He wanted to see Hestia too.

He crept slowly to the Hearth and saw Apollo and Poseiden flash out.

After a few seconds Poseiden, Apollo, and Hestia were waiting by the Hearth.

Percy crept up to Apollo hoping to scare him when Hestia spoke up.

"Hello Percy." Hestia said warmly.

"Aww, Hestia, why'd you do that? I wanted to scare sunshine over here!" Percy whined angry that he missed a prank.

Before Percy could say anymore he brought into a bone crushing hug by Apollo and Poseiden. Apollo, because as the god of prophecies and knowledge, knew that Percy was 'the one'.

Poseiden because, well, he's Percy's dad. Obviously.

After about two minutes of awkward silence Percy decided to intervene.

"So..." Percy started. He really regretted breaking the silence now. He had nothing to say.

"So," Poseidon started "are you going to explain how you are not dead?"

Percy didn't know how to explain it. He didn't want anyone to know that he was creator of the universe just yet so he lied.

"Chaos took me under his wing and I have been training for the past 4 months. I decided it was time to visit you guys. I just needed some time. Away from it all. Y'know?" Percy said.

He knew he had to be careful. The god of truth was right across him after all. Apollo nodded to the other two Olympians confirming that this was the truth. A gesture that didn't go unnoticed by Percy. What were they planning?

As the minutes went by they started to drift towards more mundane subjects, like how the weather was, new sword techniques, and finally his father forgiving accepting that his beloved son was not dead. When Hestia was about to argue that broccoli casserole was good even if it wasn't blue they heard nothing.

No noise.  No arguing. No crickets. Well, Percy could hear everything and everyone on earth, but the throne room was quiet. The three gods and Percy slowly stood up from their spots at the hearth and peaked into the throne room behind Apollo's throne.

They saw something that would scare them for life. Everything was still quiet. There was something wrong about it though. Eerie. Not normal. Unusual. What happened? Were the Olympians ever this quiet? Since when did Apollo hide behind his throne? Since when did the author start asking all these stupid questions that the reader probably skipped? Why are you reading this?

They all seemed to be frozen. Except for Apollo, Hestia, Poseiden, and Percy. Percy wanted to summon some popsickle sticks and glue them to Zeus's face to make it look like he had wooden eyelashes, but Hestia smacked him.

He pouted.

The end.

I'm kidding it's not.

*Exclaim the next sentence in the most dramatic voice ever*

The story must go on.

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