Chapter 5

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I think this'll be the last chapter. I'm gonna give this story an ending.

After talking to Hestia and Apollo, he asked for some pivacy so he could talk with his father.

"Dad, I need to go. Not just for a little bit this time," Seeing Poseidon's confused face he explained, "I have to take over as the keeper of the universe. Technically Chaos has already faded and I'm the new creator. To actually keep the balence though, I need to live in Chaos' palace. Just know that I love you dad. I always will."

And with that Percy disappeared. Poseidon was sad, but he was also proud, his son was the keeper of the universe. How could he not be proud? When he heard yelling from the throne room, Poseidon knew immediately, that Zeus was having a temper tantrum about Percy's clone vanishing.

Poseidon stormed over, right in front of Zeus' throne, "He's gone to do his duty. He is of higher status than you, so shut your piehole, and calm the frick down..."

Percy, or Chaos, watched from a distance as his father and his uncle argued. Or was it his great grandson..? That's weird to think about. He missed his family, sure, but he knew he was making them proud. With that thought he roamed his new home.

About 43 billion years later
Percy was tired of being alone. A couple of eons ago the greeks had faded and Percy weeped. He was now alone. Humans had advanced to the point to where they no longer needed cars. They now all had floating wheelchairs, like that movie he saw once, Wall-E. The Earth was flooded with garbage, and the water was completley gone. His time was coming, he had to choose a new heir. Chaos had told him that eventually Percy would fade, and 10 years before he did, he would have to choose to someone take over. Again.

Percy didn't want to do that though. He didn't want someone to be resigned to the same fate that he was. So, after extensive researching, he found a different alternative. If he sent his power to certain parts of the universe, then he wouldn't need to pick an heir. The catch? He would fade. Just like Chaos.

He didn't mind though. It was well past his time. With a relieved sigh, he gathered all his power, and sent it to the corners of the universe. He began to turn to dust.

Then there was none.

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