Yukio's Japanese fall

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Yukio POV


As I walked through the portal i felt a little relived leaving the complicated world i grew up in to a simple one like Hetalia. I actually like anime like my friend Camala, but i was born into it being Japanese and all.

"Woah!" I yelled aloud as i fell down into Toyko, Japan. I would have used my parachute, yet it wasn't that big of a fall. It was maybe 10 klm. Crap! People were around and they saw me fall.

good thing i can outrun the Japy Popo any day. I mentally sighed to myself. I wonder how long it will take Japan to find me, i mean i don't see him anywhere. Although now that i think about it most Japanese look like another Japanese, even me. The only difference between my looks and the people around me is that most girls my age are in a modest school uniform with skirts and dress shoes. I highly doubt a tank top, sweat pants, and tennis shoes would ever be a uniform anywhere. Suddenly i see a park with cherry trees. To my surprise a Japanese man who seemed a little bit different then the rest caught my attention.

'Is that him?' I thought to my self.

Terribly i was so focused on him that i-

*Bam* walked in to a pole. :*(

Oh my god so embarrassing.

"Osoreirimasu." Someone said, i looked up, yep definitely Japan.

"Are you alwitgh?" He asked.

"Oh yeah right don't worry it happens all the time." I laughed akwardly

There was a pause.

"Sorry but i am wondering if you are not from here?" Japan politely asked.

"Uhh..no." i told him. No point in lying.

"Actually I've been looking for you,......Japan or Land Of The Rising Sun." I told him

his dull eyes had a great little spark of emotion.

"How do you know that?" He asked

"You made an anime called Hetalia.....remember."

He looked around." We need to talk." He said

(Guess what happens)

(Cue phone call)


So those are the back stories on how they got here.

Ok now its time for the guessing game. If Jessica is a witch. What are the others.

Q. What power does Sharquan have?

hint. It has something to do with monsters.

Q. What power does Camala have?

hint. America made a big movie about it last summer in 2014

Q. What power does Yuki have?

hint. It is simalar too the power Finny from Black Butler and Rea from Sankarea the anime.

BTW you won't find out until the rising action almost ends so bye bye

put what you think it is in the comment section.

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