The Bags and the Tower

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Arriving at camp to see the rest of the company eating breakfast, they joined in and began wolfing down some eggs, ham, and bacon. Once everyone was finished eating, Bregnest led them back to the cave and began work, hauling treasure out of the cave to a central area.

Fox walked into the cave once again, going further into the back room. Something made him look up from the ground, and he caught his breath as his eyes fell on seven magic bags hanging on the wall.

"Bregnest!" he called. "You need to see this."

Bregnest came rushing into the back room and stopped short as he saw them. The rest of the company soon followed, and the air took on a somber feel as they saw the bags. "Take them out of here," Bregnest commanded. "They should reside in this foul place no longer."

Fox walked forward and gathered them in his arms and swiftly left the cave, bringing them to the pile of treasure that they had collected so far. He set them down, and returned to the cave to continue the work. By the end of the day, everything was out of the cave and they could begin work on sorting and dividing the next day.

Sitting around the campfire after their evening meal, Bregnest addressed the company. "We need to discuss the lost bags. As adventurers, we are honor bound to return them to the lost adventurers' heirs. However, there is some question as to whom this honor and burden of carrying these bags will go to. Fox was the one to kill the troll, but Alex was the one who found it and fought it. What say you?"

Fox opened his mouth to speak, but Arconn beat him to it. "I say that Fox be the bag holder, for killing the troll."

Several of the company, including Thrang and Halfdan, agreed. Before anyone could say anything else, however, Fox managed to speak. "I do not wish to carry this burden, but instead might I suggest Alex be the bag holder, since were not for him, I wouldn't've been in the position to kill the troll."

Bregnest looked around at the company, and they all nodded agreement. His eyes landed on Alex. "Alex, will you accept the honor and the burden of carrying these lost bags?"

Alex froze. What do I say? I know what I should do is accept this, but I don't even know what it means! I'll ask Fox later...

"I-I do." Alex said shakily, a question in his voice, masked by a semi-confident smile.

Bregnest smiled, approval in his eyes. "Good. With that settled, let's have a good night's rest and then we can start sorting and dividing tomorrow."

The company cheered and then headed to their tents for the night.

"Fox?" Alex whispered to the winged young man as he headed towards his tent.

"Yes?" he replied, stopping and turning back.

Alex bit his lip. "What's this bag thing?"

Fox smiled, and began to explain the process behind returning a lost bag as Alex started his watch.


The next morning, the sun rose and the company prepared to leave the newly dubbed Troll's Stream. Alex awoke to the sound of Thrang cooking breakfast, Halfdan packing up a tent, and Tayo's distant complaining at Skeld for some reason or another.

Normally Alex and Andy would have went to go see what the fun-loving adventurer had done this time, but was distracted by the strangest looking, birdlike creature standing on Alex's legs.

Fox watched in amusement at the look on Alex's face. "Looks like you've got a geeb, Alex!"

Alex paled. "Is that a disease?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2019 ⏰

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