The Beginning

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Alexander Taylor was close to a panic attack. In all his fifteen years, he had never left his home town. Now, here he was, trailing behind a dwarf and an elf, who were leading him to a tavern. The sign above the door said, "The Golden Swan". Alex nearly bumped into the elf, who had stopped abruptly.

Another adventurer was standing lazily outside the door. "Hello, Fox," Arconn said. "I'd like you to meet Alexander Taylor."

Fox pushed himself away from the wall and ruffled his feathers on his wings, nodding to Arconn and holding out his hand for Alexander to shake. "Good day to you." Oh, his face. Ha! Works every time!

Alex couldn't help but notice the wings... He hoped it didn't show on his face. He shook hands. "Thank you. I-I'm Alex."

Fox grinned. "Well, it's good to meet ya, mate! Bregnest's inside, come on in and meet the leader of our company!"

Alex smiled nervously, and followed the others into The Golden Swan. A man sat at a table in the back corner. Thrang instantly sat down at the bar, and Arconn stared out the window.

Oh no! Would he have to be introduced by that young man with WINGS!?!!

Fox led Alex towards Bregnest, who had looked up as they came in.

"Bregnest, here is our ninth man that Thrang and Arconn brought with them," Fox said, being dramatic and flaring his wings to suddenly show Alex. "His name is Alexander Taylor."

The dramatics certainly got Alex's attention. He smiled, and took Bregnest's hand. "Hi," he said weakly.

Bregnest rolled his eyes at Fox, saying, "Fox, you're just as bad as Skeld," before turning to Alex and shaking his hand.

"Alexander Taylor, right?"

Alex nodded shyly. "Yes, sir." He had no idea who Skeld was.

Alex's question was answered as a figure burst through the door, several other adventurers in tow.

"What time is it?" he said in a sing-song voice.

"We are NOT saying 'show time', Skeld," one of the adventurers said, exasperated.

Skeld laughed like it was the funniest thing in the world. So, this was Skeld!

"No, seriously, what time is it?" he said, darting away to duck a punch. Alex mentally compared him to a high-energy bird.

"Time to eat!" Fox called out, grinning from ear to ear and folding his wings behind his back.

Skeld practically launched himself at the seat between Alex and one who Alex would later find out was Andy.

"I'm sitting by the little ones!" he cried cheerfully. "All the more food for me!"

Andy muttered something under his breath that sounded suspiciously like, "Oh, yeah? Wanna bet?"

Fox plopped down on the other side of Alex, his wings loose behind his chair.

"Well, then I'll sit on the other side, cause I'm always hungry!" I also want to find out more about this Alex person. I sense great magic in him.

Alex looked up at Fox. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Fox blinked. I was looking at him while I thought that? Oh well, joke about it. He grinned. "Cause you're so young, I had to look twice before remembering that you're not one of the serving boys!!"

Alex smiled. Maybe, this "Fox" wasn't so bad after all. I sorta am a serving boy... but no matter. I'm one of them so I need to act... well, not like Skeld. Like Fox maybe.

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