Chapter 2

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It is already 9 am in the morning and David was still fall asleep until his phone ringss

Rob is calling....

He answered the call

"Yes ,Rob goodmorning"he greet and it is obvious in his voice that he just wakes up.

"Wake up David and prepare yourself because today you'll meet your personal bodyguard,I'm here in our favourite coffee shop David" Rob said

"Okay mate ,Just wait I'm coming"

David stood up and he go on the bathroom for taking a bath. After he finished in shower ,he shaved his beard and he choose his best attire.

He wears a simple v-neck colored black and a white shorts. He also wearing an aviator shade. David get his spare key of his car.

He texted Rob before driving the car.

To Rob:🏳️‍🌈💖

I'm on my way mate. :)


Okay David please be careful :)

When he already on the coffee shop he saw Rob who was drinking a latté.

"Hey Rob ,Goodmorning" David said and give Rob a kiss on the cheeks.

"Here's your drink Dave,we will just wait for your bodyguard to come "

Hours passed but they are still waiting for the man to come.

"Look Rob maybe we should go home now ,Can't you see his not coming" David said losing his patience now

"Just wait David maybe your just excited to meet him " Rob teased making David to frown

"Stop being annoying Rob ,He just wasting our time" He said

David stood up he have decided to leave ,when the man suddenly came.

"Oh look who's here David " Rob said teasing David

David couldn't move and can't help  but to stared at the man . He turned back to his senses when the man introduced himself .

The man was wearing a suit and a shades ,you can see the form of his chest very well toned.
"Goodmorning Mr.Walliams,I'm sorry for being late " he apologize to his client while removing his shades causing David to blushed.

"I'm Simon Philip Cowell . I'm your personal bodyguard sir Walliams" Simon smiled at him while helding his hands to David

"Ahmm,Don't call me sir just call me David,Nice to meet you Simon" David smiled while taking Simon's hands and they'd shake hands.


They are in David's house

"Just put your bags in the sofa Si"

Simon puts his things before uttering
David was seating the couch while Simon just standing while facing him.

"I read all of your personal information Mr.Walliams and base of the articles I've read you always been in troubled wherever you go .So from now on ,you should always inform your personal agendas to me and I should be there" Simon said in a bossy tone while crossing his arms.

"Wait What ! ? Woah you mean everytime I go somewhere you should be there! Where's my privacy and I'm the boss here so you don't have any rights to control me " David yelled at him

"I have rights David because I'll be your bodyguard and I'm just doing my job to protect you from the killers "

David couldn't find words to answer him because everytime Simon glares at him he was like hypnotised .It seems like Simon was the one to control him and David can't resist with his condition .

"So David if you don't have any questions can I go to my room now?"

"Of course Si"

Then David held Simon to his room .

"So Simon this would be your room if you have any questions feel free to asked me" David said

Simon just nodded then locked the door

"His so bossy,I should be the one to control my life not him " David said with sarcasm before entering his room

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