The ghost is only so strong

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Kido was sitting on a bench in the park, Playing the same scene over and over in her head.

She was at the library in their school working on their Physics presentation. When she finished, She left the library, Only to be greeted by three girls: Hana Saito, Chiyo Watanabe, Yuna Tanaka, Who started to glare and scowl at her. One even crossed the boundaries and slapped her. Their reason was simple, (yet stupid). It was because they were jealous that Kido's foster brother, Shuuya Kano refuses to be near any other girls in their class but her.

The green haired girl mentally cursed herself for not being able to fight back, Yet the reason why was clear. Yuna had a clear record. She's top of every class she has and the favorite of all the teachers in the school. And what did Kido have to compare with Yuna? What, Being a part of the Kido family? But her father's job went bankrupt and he swallowed the family in flames because of it! Besides, She's his illegitimate child, Anyway.

She could name only two people who truly cared about her, (Before the Tateyamas and her foster brothers), And they were her deceased mother and half-sister. She closed her eyes and fought back tears.

"Hey, Tsubomi!" Came a familiar voice. She opened her eyes and looked at Kano, Who was running towards her. Her eyes suddenly widened and she quickly got up from the bench she was sitting on.

"We were looking for you. Where have you been?" Kano asked as he came to a halt next to the bench. Kido backed away a few steps.

"I was sitting right here," She smirked.

"Well, Let's go. We were looking for you." Kano crossed his arms over his chest and watched Kido pick her schoolbag up.

They walked in silence and side by side. Kido tried not to gaze at Kano or ask him any questions about Yuna or her friends, Despite the strong temptation to.

"Tsubomi?" Kano broke their silence and stopped at his tracks. Kido also stopped and looked at him.

"What?" She asked, Trying to act casual. Kano didn't answer. He just kept gazing at her face, Making Kido blush lightly.

"What happened?" Kano finally spoke.

"What do you mean? Nothing happens to me. You should know that by now, Shuuya." Kido glared slightly at the blond, Who kept studying her face.

Kano sighed and continued walking but not before he mumbled, "We'll settle this matter when we get back home."

-at home-

"Tsubomi! There you are! We were looking everywhere for you! Where have you been?" Ayano's original embrace greeted Kido when she entered the house.

"I was at he park. I had to clear a few thoughts." Kido answered once her Onee-chan released her.

"Well, Get dressed. You should've been home an hour ago." Ayano placed her hands on her hips as Kido took her shoes off.

"Sorry..." She apologized awkwardly as she placed her shoes aside and proceeded upstairs, Leaving Kano and Ayano.


Once Kido entered her (and Ayano's) room, She put her schoolbag aside and sat on her bed.

"Tsubomi, You can't fight us. One wrong move from you and you'll be expelled"

Yuna's threatening words kept playing in her mind, Causing her to fight back tears.

"If we ever see you with Shuuya again, You will face unbearable consequences"

"I already am facing unbearable consequences...." Kido whispered to herself as a tear slid down her cheek. She sighed, Wiped the tear and headed to their closet.

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