Chapter Five - A Home of my Own

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Two weeks later, also on a Friday, I took possession of my new home. It was just a simple bedsit but it was clean and tidy and the block was well cared for. It even had a tiny balcony which was fun.

I couldn't quite believe it as I looked around - a place of my own where nobody could tell me what to do or disapprove if I stayed up too late or spent too long in the shower.


I was startled from my dreams by my phone. "Are you getting ready or are you just admiring your new home?" Tristram asked.

I gave a little squeak. He knew me too well. There was a grand company meal that evening to celebrate Christmas, to celebrate the completion of the takeover... and to celebrate the fact that the three guys were now multi-millionaires too, I suppose, but nobody was saying that out loud.

"How did you know?" I asked as I headed towards the tiny bathroom and its shower whilst shedding clothes.

"It's not that long since I had my own place for the first time, remember!" he answered. "The taxi will be coming past your place in twenty minutes to collect you. Be ready!"

"Yes, sir!" I rang off and dived under the shower.

I was more or less ready as his taxi arrived to collect me. "He studied me as I approached. "Very smart," he observed, "but did you, by any chance, get dressed in a hurry?"


"Do you, perhaps, mean 'I beg your pardon' or more likely, 'I do not understand'?"

I gave him a dirty look but dutifully repeated the required phrase.

"The buttons on your blouse are out of kilter." I froze in shock as his hands moved towards me.

Fortunately he realised what he was doing at the last moment. "I probably shouldn't be doing that, should I?" he said with a little smile, as he moved his hands back. "You are not my little sister!"

"Don't look!" I hissed as I adjusted my own clothing but I did find myself briefly wondering what it would be like to have his hands on my chest. It wasn't an altogether unpleasant idea but I firmly shoved the thought to one side.

We arrived at the restaurant and, almost before we made it inside, little Bonnie came running up to me. She and I had hit it off really well. She would always come and jump on me whenever she was in the office. Tristram teased me that the only reason I liked her was because it gave me the excuse to spin us both round and round on my office chair.

That wasn't true. It wasn't the only reason.

OK, maybe I did like to spin round and round on my office chair but it wasn't the only reason I liked her!

"Very pretty," I said, holding her back slightly to admire her beautiful dress.

"At least one little girl here knows how to dress herself!" Tristram quietly observed. Obviously I stuck my tongue out at him. It would have been rude not to! Bonnie was shocked.

"You sticked you tongue out at him!" she said.

"Shh! Don't tell him! He might spank me," I pretended to whisper to her.

She rushed off, laughing, to tell her Mammie.

"Very interesting! You think I ought to spank you, do you?" Tristram observed quietly. "We'll have to see about updating the office disciplinary procedure."

I turned bright red and couldn't think of anything to say.

I was pleased to have Bonnie sitting next to me at the meal. I still didn't feel entirely comfortable at this sort of company 'do' and the two of us had a great time chatting and joking together. The food was excellent and, though I am not an expert, I knew that the wine that was flowing freely all evening was delicious.

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