9: Life Update 1

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Tuesday, April 30, 2019

So it's been... forever since I've updated here😶 let alone been on Wattpad.

I'm always going in and out of loving Wattpad. I'll love it for a few weeks then I won't go on it for a few weeks then I'll love it. It's like a habit.


I'm here to update. Tell you what had happened in my life since getting my glasses.

!Disclaimer! These stories aren't in any order. Just the things I remembered happening.

Ok so let's start out with my glasses. I feel as if I should give you an update. So I don't have headaches anymore, they stopped forever ago.

At first I babied them. When I went to bed I put them in the case, I cleaned them everyday, I wouldn't let anyone touch them, etcetera etcetera.

Now it's a bit different. When I go to bed or I'm not using them (when I'm laying in bed on my phone) I just set them on my nightstand. I clean them whenever the amount of grime annoys me. I won't let anyone that I'm not close to touch them though.

Now that I'm thinking about it, I'll make another part where I talk about glasses. Stay tuned!

So next topic! Probably will be the biggest one. So what is it? I MOVED!

Ok so my families old landlord, Sue, kicked us out without a cause. She wanted to sell the house for financial reasons. So we had to move.

We moved into a beautiful home in the neighborhood my mom grew up in. It's about a thirty minute drive from my old house. So far but not far.

Reese and I still share a room but it's a bigger room, plus we have a walk-in closet!

Moving in was... HORRIBLE! If anyone thinks about asking me (if it's Marissa I might think about it) to help them move. Hahahahahaha nope.

I'm finally old enough to help move. Yay me😒

That was sarcasm by the way.

It's been a couple weeks now. Here are my thoughts.

The house is great. Really spacious. I get a walk-in closet. The neighborhood is awesome. !!BUT!! Everything has its downsides.

Downsides: All the neighbors have dogs (have a minor fear), house is shifting and the walls are bent, grimy! Everything is just dirty, and worst of all... I'm homesick, but I'm home? The old house seemed so welcoming and safe. This house is different and feels like we're at a hotel. My bodies waiting for us to "go home" but I'm home. I don't know.

Life could be worse though! We could not have a house, right? I could have it way worse so we have to stay focused on the positive side of things. Like I get to go to a wonderful school and make new friends! Still love the old ones though!

I'm getting carried away. NEXT TOPIC!

I got a crush💗 Well call him, S.

So there's a groupchat I'm in. It's me and five other friends, he's one of them. S, R and Marissa and I went to the mall. The next one Jasmine came.

I developed feelings for him. I don't really now why. The heart chooses for you I guess.

So I told Marissa. We were freaking out together😂

But there's one thing... R basically loves S. R is a good friend so I wouldn't want to hurt her, but I have a hardcore crush on S.

So I was stuck.

I didn't think tooo much in it because some part of me knew S and I couldn't work out. I didn't want to admit it though.

Later the whole squad but two came over to my house and we hung out. I was lowkey feeling extremely down that day. I hid my feelings though and craziness came out of that.

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